Hsv Eraser Ebook Free Download

HSV Eraser Program Review (Herpes PDF Book & Download eBook)

HSV Eraser Program Review

Are you looking for HSV Eraser Program Review? HSV Eraser PDF, HSV Eraser (Erase Herpes) Ingredients - Book & Free Download all Bonus by Dr. Christine Buehler? HSV Eraser program is programmed for both men and women. it doesn’t support creams or antivirals and is a completely natural route to ridding yourself of those horrible little monsters.
HSV Eraser(Erase Herpes) Program totally discourages the use of drugs, because that will only cause the accumulation of toxic material in body and the side effects that might turn serious. HSV Eraser PDF is a useful method to treat for a variety of herpes types naturally and it includes techniques and tips to take care of the condition from the comfort of home.
Herpes virus has become a worldwide concern since a massive amount of people are struggling to get rid of this dreadful kind of STD. Having herpes can be a nightmare for many people. This viral disease can be caused through herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2. Sexual contact with the infected person leads to the formation of genital herpes. Among the many symptoms of herpes, infection on the skin or mucosa, having headache and pain in some parts of the body are usually the most common ones. Sufferers of this awful disease tend to remain hidden as they are embarrassed to let others find what have been going through. This stigmatization or feeling of being disgraced by others makes herpes infection even worse.

If you are suffering from herpes and want permanent solution for it then you are not alone. There are many girls and boys suffering from herpes virus. But, medical researchers trying their best to make you believe that there is no permanent solution for herpes and you have to live with its symptoms throughout the live.
However, there is good news for you. Recently, Dr. Christine Buehler created herpes treatment program that will put end to your herpes for good. I am sure you already heard the name of this herpes treatment program from different website but looking for more information.
That’s why I created this website for you. In this website you are going to find out my HSV Eraser(Erase Herpes) Ebook. This review is going to be different because I downloaded this HSV Eraser Program myself and now I am in good position to show you information and techniques you are going to find out in this HSV Eraser PDF.

HSV Eraser Program - What is it?

HSV Eraser Program is 109 pages guide created by Dr. Christine Buehler for all those people that want to get rid of herpes permanently naturally without any side-effects. All techniques and secrets that you will find in this eBook are natural because you are going to use only home remedies and some health supplements that are easily available on any local store.
Dr. Christine Buehler is the medical researcher and suffered from herpes in the past. She worked with Dr. Languin to create regime that boost immune system and remove herpes from the cells of the body. This is only herpes treatment that is natural and scientifically proven to remove herpes from its roots.
Dr. Christine Buehler compiled this natural regime into a program known as HSV Eraser (Erase Herpes). She divided this HSV Eraser Ebook into two different steps:
HSV Eraser Program - Step 1 : Uncloak Herpes Virus: In this step, Christine showed list of essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients you will need to unlock virus from body cells and boost immune system. In this part you will also find instructions for lifestyle modification like limiting usage of alcohol food, sugar foods and processed foods. You have to follow this regime for 10 days before moving to next part.
HSV Eraser Program - Step 2 : Healthy Diet Routine: After completing the first part for 10 days then comes the second part of this HSV Eraser Program. In this part you will find some different food list and health supplements that will take your immune system into the next level while eliminating herpes from the body. Additionally in this part you will get instructions on when and how long to use these foods and supplements. You have to stick with this part for 13 days.
After these two steps, Dr. Christine Buehler will show you scientific research that proved the effectiveness of these two steps. Both these steps along with foods that are recommended are proven to remove herpes from its roots. That’s the reason we can say that HSV Eraser PDF (Erase Herpes) not only cure symptoms but also remove herpes from its roots and stop virus from coming again.

HSV Eraser Program(Erase Herpes Program) - How Does it really work?

With HSV Eraser Program, you will learn only natural ways to eradicate the herpes virus (both types 1 and 2) from your body system. The treatment provided in this e-Book can be used by both women and men of any age. The method strengthens your bodies immune system so that it can fight off and completely defeat the Herpes Simplex Virus within only a few weeks. It weaken s the virus to such a degree that it has to leave the body entirely. HSV Eraser Review differs from other products mainly because it not only eliminates just the manifestation of the virus but HSV Eraser Program also targets the very core of the viral infection.
Using only natural method it demolishes the protective layer of the virus and as a consequence enables the bodies own immune system to eradicate all remnants of the virus from the body for good. It also aids in depleting many other poisonous agents and toxic material from the body as well.

You must understand that HSV Eraser PDF is the protein coat alone that provides the protection of the herpes virus so they it can proliferate freely and without detection from the bodies defense system. And by providing a natural means to dissolve this protein coat around the virus, HSV Eraser Program is the most effective way to allow the body to identify the virus and eliminate the same as it would do with any other foreign agent like a bacterial infection.
Talking about Herpes, it is a sexually transmitted disease that is both viral and very contagious, which means that one needs to be extra careful of transmitting it to his partner or anyone in the family and no wonder, Herpes is that’s why one of the highest spreading sexually transmitted disease in the US and several other parts of the world and it is said that almost one of every six adults has contracted some form of herpes, genital or oral to name a few, according to recent statistics.
Herpes normally occur orally in the mouth or on the genitals and this is exactly why Herpes can get so annoying and frustrating for the people affected by HSV 2 virus. Herpes is usually hard to identify because the symptoms may not come at large and this is why many people don’t even realize that they have contracted Herpes.
There are many people who wish to permanently get rid of genital herpes. Now they can eliminate the herpes with a new easy and natural herpes remedy method discussed in HSV Eraser(Erase Herpes). Herpes usually appears when immune system is weak and also when human body needs rest. Herpes is dawning, normally on the lips and even the eyes, and genitals. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV 2) is the virus responsible for herpes and has severely impacted many peoples’ lives in a negative way. With the powerful methods revealed by in this HSV Eraser Program, herpes sufferers do not have to live with herpes for the rest of their life. Moreover now it is time to start a new life and have normal and regular sex.
Following a diet plan and using natural ingredients means no side effects so a Herpes patient can try out this HSV Eraser(Erase Herpes) Review without any kind of hesitation. One should definitely check out the official website to see what that e-book has to offer. There is also a 60 days 100 percent money back guarantee as well, so whoever was hesitant in checking out the e-book earlier can now buy it with a lot more confidence knowing that there money is worth spent.

HSV Eraser Program - How Can it Help You?

HSV Eraser Program is possible you had bad experience with prescribe medications as well as alternative treatment. But don’t quit reading this HSV Eraser review as I am going to show you some benefits that you only get inside this HSV Eraser Ebook.
  • HSV Eraser (Erase Herpes) Program will end on your herpes permanently and you don’t need to use prescribe medications that create negative side-effects.
  • HSV Eraser Program will cure herpes naturally and you can apply all the techniques by yourself from the comfort of your home without any professional help.
  • This program will give you effective and safe techniques to cure herpes permanently that are scientifically proven as well.
  • This HSV Eraser book will give you list of minerals, vitamins and nutrients that will cure herpes and prevent it from coming again
  • This HSV Eraser review will give you minerals that boost your immune system and prevent you from getting any disease
  • You will get full access to this program with unlimited future updates
  • You will get full 60-days money back guarantee with this HSV Eraser PDF to test this herpes treatment for 60 days without any risk.

HSV Eraser Program - Conclusion

After reading this 109 pages HSV Eraser(Erase Herpes) Program I can say that this is the ‘Herpes Bible’ for the treatment of herpes type I and II. First you will discover complete understanding of herpes virus then you will find 2-step method to cure herpes and in the end of this program you will find some lifestyle modification guidelines that will stop herpes from coming again.
HSV Eraser (Erase Herpes) Program cost $39, don’t forget you will get a free 60-days money back guarantee to test this HSV Eraser Review and in case if you are not happy with the results you are getting or information you discover in this HSV Eraser (Erase Herpes) Program then you can contact Dr. Christine and request for refund. You can get you money back within day or two.
Thanks for reading my short review of HSV Eraser (Erase Herpes) Program, To download HSV Eraser PDF. Please click the link below:

Erase Herpes Review Examining The Latest Herpes Cure By Dr. Christine Buehler
Erase Herpes (HSV Eraser Program) by Dr. Christine Buehler’s Review, reveals a step-by-step program on how to get rid of herpes and cold sores with natural home remedies. Herpes is known for one thing- once someone has it, they have it for life. However, major advances have been made in handling herpes and managing outbreaks so that it needn’t be shameful or embarrassing as it once might have been, and those who have contracted the virus can get on with their lives without feeling tainted. New advances by independent researcher Dr. Christine Buehler claimed to have been tested and proven to eliminate the virus altogether, where anti-virals merely manage the symptoms. This Erase Herpes Review explains that the author Christine Buehler has personally experienced herpes infection and bravely used herself as the guinea pig. The method she has devised uses all natural ingredients and processes to permanently eradicate the herpes virus in 21 days. The review describes how the product can eliminate the herpes virus completely, and has been shown to be equally effective for the eradicating of both the HSV-1 and HSV-2 strains of the Herpes virus (commonly known as cold sores and genital warts). The review also draws on testimonials from thousands of individuals who have successfully used the product to eliminate both symptoms and cause, freeing them from humiliating outbreaks. Click here to read full customers testimonials! Dr. Christine Buehler’s Erase Herpes (HSV Eraser Program) provides users with all-natural home remedies that have been used to fight herpes for literally thousands of years, including a three-pronged attack on the virus. The protocol includes instructions on how to boost the immune system by cleansing the body of toxins, which allows the body to fight the virus. There is also an in-depth look at the specific natural substances that one can take in order to dissolve the virus’s protein coat. Without this protective coating the virus is completely vulnerable to attack by the body’s immune system. Finally, the guide teaches users about natural remedies they can use to effectively stop HSV in its tracks and prevent it from replicating itself. HSV Eraser guarantees that people will be free from all the itching, burning, and blisters in just 21 days. The guide features natural cures that you won’t find anywhere else. You simply have to be disciplined and to follow the instructions in the guide to cure their herpes the natural way. Since it’s a natural program, people won’t have to worry about the nasty side effects that they can get from conventional medicine. People can also get a lot of preventive tips and tricks here, so their herpes will never come back to bother them again. To find out more about Erase Herpes cure users are advised to visit Doctor Christine Buehler’s official website. Click here to visit the official website!
'World famous researchers' with no research whatsoever?
Various versions of the press release and the websites claim that 'Dr. Christine Buehler and Dr. Ken Languin conducted 449 clinical trials…' We find that rather odd. We can guarantee you, nobody does that much research and doesn't publish a single paper. As a researcher, publishing is your job. That's how you make your living and that's where the research funding comes from. Your name can't not appear in any research project or study which you led.
To be clear, there actually is a 'Dr. Christine Buehler, MD' - and she is a pediatrician - but she isn't the lady in the picture and to date, we can't find any evidence that she is involved with any of this. We spoke with a representative at her medical practice and to the best of their knowledge, she is not. We hope to hear back from her personally soon. (we'll update below) Whoever actually is behind this - not only do they and their 'cure' appear to be a product of fraud, but even the photo of 'Dr. Christine Buehler' is definitely a fraud. We tracked down the actual person in that photo from the video and all the websites; a mother/author/blogger in Romania (see below). We also have Dr. Buehler's real photo (right), but will publish it only once we speak with her and have her permission. Until then, it's distorted.
If you can't trust (whoever is impersonating) 'Dr. Christine Buehler' to use a genuine photo, how can you trust any claims of a cure?
Please don't ever fall for any of this garbage on the Internet. When there is actually a cure for herpes, you'll know: not only will we be blasting out emails and changing our front page and newsletter, but it'll be on the cover of Time Magazine, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the lead story on CNN, FOX, MSNBC and every other network and social media site you can think of. 90% of the people on earth carry HSV...
How do all these scammers they get away with these claims to cure herpes?
By taking advantage of public ignorance. Technically, they're claiming to 'cure herpes'... and, technically, 'herpes' is the skin disease you experience for a few days: the sores which, as you probably know, go away all by themselves. They don't actually need curing. We understand this may seem confusing to some, but no matter how you may feel about it, a virus and a disease(s) it may cause are not 'the same thing.' The Herpes Simplex Virus is not Herpes Simplex: the former is simply a virus (a potential cause) named after the effect for which it is best known, while the latter is one of the many diseases (a potential effect) that the former may or may not cause in its host. (In the same manner, hosting VZV doesn't automatically mean we have Shingles and hosting HIV doesn't automatically mean one has AIDS.) Thus, 'Herpes' technically refers to the skin sores which can be caused by the virus, but in most carriers - over 80% - that doesn't occur. If they actually were 'the same thing', as many prefer to believe, Herpes Simplex sores would occur in 100% of carriers. It's important to be able to differentiate cause and effect in order to understand all the shady advertising. In truth, many things can cause 'herpes' (lesions on the skin). Many of the 9 human herpesviruses can, along with a handful of other things. The impression advertisers attempt to leave, though - the takeaway message many consumers get - is that by buying their solution, they can actually cure or eliminate the herpes simplex virus, which most definitely isn't true. While some of these advertisers do differentiate in the fine print, their headlines and tone don't highlight that in truth, they're really focused on reducing recurrence (outbreak) symptoms... and for the most part, all they're selling you is advice you can readily find for free on this site and across the web. (To learn more about the difference in terms, click here). So... do you want to know what's truly in all those books and protocols?
eat right (limit seeds, nuts, chocolate and caffeine/stimulants; be sure to get meats and dairy)
avoid overdoing it with sun, alcohol and tobacco (very little is good; otherwise, everything in moderation)
reduce mental and emotional stress (yoga? meditation?)
In short, focus on taking care of your overall health. If you honestly think the above is worth the $50 to $500 that all the 'secret cure' advertisers are charging, you're quite welcome to click the donate below (although being a charity, we're always quite grateful for any amount.)

  1. Hsv Eraser Pdf
  2. Hsv Eraser Free Download

And that's exactly what the product, the HSV Eraser, is all about. Product securely by clicking the “BUY NOW” button and download the Herpes Eraser PDF right away. Some of them were probably even able to live an almost herpes-free live. The treatments mentioned in the ebook are sure to lead to permanent results,. Erase Herpes Review (Program eBook Cure & Download PDF System). We can say that Erase Herpes eBook (HSV-Eraser) not only cure symptoms but also remove herpes from. HSV Eraser PDF, HSV Eraser (Erase Herpes) Ingredients - Book & Free Download all Bonus by Dr. Christine Buehler? HSV Eraser program is programmed for both men and women. It doesn’t support creams or antivirals and is a completely natural route to ridding yourself of those horrible little monsters. New Herpes Cure Claim: Even Some TV Stations Fell For It! On November 14, 2014. (HSV Eraser Program) by Dr. Christine Buehler’s Review, reveals a step-by-step program on how to get rid of herpes and cold sores with natural home remedies. HSV Eraser guarantees that people will be free from all the itching, burning, and blisters in just. Thanks for checking out the Hsv Eraser Pdf site! Click the download button to get your free copy now: Oral herpes, an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, is estimated to be present in fifty to eighty percent of the American adult population. HSV Eraser consists of natural herpes remedies. Hsv eraser has no side effects. Herpes Simplex Virus Genital Herpes Cure Type 1 News Update Women Health Home Remedies For Herpes Side Effects Herpes Treatment Female Male.

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 1

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 DisclaimerAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, ortransmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, orother electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of thepublisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews andcertain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that theinformation in this eBook was correct at press time, the author and publisher do notassume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, ordisruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions resultfrom negligence, accident, or any other cause.This eBook is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. Thereader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health andparticularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medicalattention. 2


Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 Table of ContentsIntroduction .............................................................................................................................6 What Can You Expect From This eBook?........................................................................9 Origins of the Herpes Virus...........................................................................................9 HSV and Related Conditions ......................................................................................10 Staying Positive with Herpes ......................................................................................11Chapter 1: Facing the Enemy – Understanding Your Herpes........................................13 What is Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)? ..........................................................................13 Types of Herpesvirus ...................................................................................................14 Herpes Virus in Animals .............................................................................................16 Signs and Symptoms of Herpes ......................................................................................17 History and Statistics of the Virus ..................................................................................19 Male vs. Female Statistics ............................................................................................19 Age-Related Statistics ...................................................................................................20 Race and Ethnicity Statistics........................................................................................20 Other Statistics...............................................................................................................21 Diagnosing and Living with HSV ..................................................................................23 Will Having Herpes Change Who I Am? ..................................................................23 How Will My Life Change After Herpes?.................................................................24 Is It My Fault I Have Herpes? .........................................................................................26 Risk Factors for Outbreaks ..........................................................................................27 Confessions of an HSV Patient........................................................................................29Chapter 2: Herpes Myths and Misconceptions.................................................................33 What Recommendations Did Your Doctor Make?.......................................................33 Medical Treatments for Herpes ..................................................................................34 What Your Doctor Did NOT Tell You ...........................................................................38 3

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 Antiviral Drugs Come with Side Effects! ..................................................................38 Herpes Treatments are Expensive! .............................................................................40 Herpes CAN Be Cured!................................................................................................42Chapter 3: Herpes Eraser – Get Rid of Your Herpes for Good ......................................45 Why Haven’t You Heard of a Herpes Cure? ................................................................45 Step I: Uncloak the Herpes Virus....................................................................................46 What to Eat.....................................................................................................................47 What NOT To Eat..........................................................................................................50 Step II: Improve Your Overall Health............................................................................64 A Healthy Daily Routine..............................................................................................65 Reduce Stress with Relaxing Foods............................................................................67 Implementing the HSV Eraser Protocol.........................................................................74 Where do You Go from Here?.........................................................................................75Conclusion .............................................................................................................................76 4

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 CLAIM YOUR FREE SURPRISE BONUS ON BEHALF OF THE ERASE HERPES COMMUNITY AND THE HEALTHY BACK INSTITUTE THE WORLD FAMOUS '7-DAY BACK PAIN CURE' BOOK IS YOURS FREE! I just secured a limited number of copies of this fabulous soft cover book with the publisher and it's yours FREE as part of your purchase today! Back pain? Neck Pain? Sciatica? This simple guide reveals how you can get lasting relief and finally get your life back! If you suffer from any type of back, neck or sciatica pain, then you'll be glad when you claim your copy of The Healthy Back Institute's new book, 'The 7-Day Back Pain Cure'. And as I said, right now you can get your copy FREE for a limited time, after a tiny shipping fee. They'll even donate a portion of the shipping to Habitat For Humanity or Kiva.org... YOU CHOOSE THE CHARITY! 5

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 IntroductionMore commonly known as herpes, herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a viral infectionthat comes in several different forms. You are probably familiar with the two mainkinds of herpes – oral herpes and genital herpes – but you may be surprised to learnjust how common this virus is. According to the National Institutes for Health(NIH), approximately 1 in 5 Americans are infected with genital herpes and nearly80% of American adults have oral herpes. Despite the staggering prevalence of thisvirus, more than 80% of people infected with the virus don’t even know it.The unfortunate truth about HSV is that it is a lifelong illness that cannot be cured,according to health specialists. Officially, there are a number of herpes treatmentsout there that are designed to minimize symptoms and to reduce the occurrence ofoutbreaks, but they do not offer a permanent solution. In fact, if you perform a littleresearch on your own you might be disappointed by the number of quality resourcesavailable. Though herpes is a very common virus, it has a large stigma attached to itand it is a topic many people are not comfortable discussing. As a result, people whohave been diagnosed with herpes often feel guilty or ashamed and, rather thantaking steps to manage or reverse their condition, they are focused on hiding it.If you are struggling to manage your own herpes or you simply want to learn moreabout this virus, this eBook is the perfect place to start. Within the pages of thiseBook you will find a wealth of information about the herpes simplex virus and itsprevalence, so hopefully you will come to understand that you are not alone – youdo not need to be ashamed about your condition and you certainly do not need to 6

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016hide it. In reading this eBook you will also discover that it is possible to lead ahealthy and happy life despite being diagnosed with HSV.More than simply providing you with tips for minimizing symptoms and reducingoutbreaks, this book will actually teach you how to reverse your condition. It ISpossible to erase your herpes for good and the process might be simpler than youcould have ever imagined. So, if you are ready to take back control of your life andrestore your health, turn the page and keep reading! 7

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 Haven’t you been struggling with your weight, your low energy levels and that feeling of discontent for far too long?Organifi is a fresh, USDA organic juice, with a minty flavor, dedicated to those who want to:  detoxify their body  increase mental clarity  increase energy levels  improve the health and aspect of skin, hair and nails  boost their immune system Product endorsed by the HSV Eraser Program 8

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016What Can You Expect From This eBook?Even if you have already been diagnosed with the herpes simplex virus, there isprobably still a lot you can learn about your condition. That is where this eBookcomes in. The purpose of this eBook is to increase your awareness andunderstanding of the herpes virus with the ultimate goal of curing your conditionand erasing the herpes virus from your life completely. Before getting into the detailsof the Herpes Eraser, take a moment to learn some background information aboutherpes and other related conditions so you have a firm foundation of knowledge onwhich to build as you read the rest of this eBook.Origins of the Herpes VirusWhen you hear the word “herpes,” what do you think of? Do you think of cold soresand blisters around the mouth? Or do you think of a sexually transmitted diseasethat causes painful sores on the genitals? Both of these are correct and they describethe two main types of the herpes simplex virus as defined by medical personnel. Thetwo main types of herpes are called Type 1 (HSV-1) and Type 2 (HSV-2). Type 1 isthe virus responsible for those nasty cold cores and it is commonly called oralherpes, while Type 2 is responsible for genital infections, typically called genitalherpes.While there are only two main types of herpes, there are actually about 115 differentvariations of the herpes virus known to affect both humans and animals. Herpessimplex virus has been known to affect animals like pigs, turkeys, and otherlivestock as well as wild animals including rats, reptiles, and amphibians. In fact,herpes is one of the most widely transmissible diseases in the world, generallytransmitted through direct contact. Humans can spread the virus to other humansand animals to other animals, but it generally does not spread between humans andanimals. Unfortunately, it is possible for the herpes virus to be transmitted to anunborn baby through the mother’s blood.What many people who are not affected by HSV do not realize is that there is anemotional component to the virus as well as the medical component. Knowing thatyou are carrying a disease which can be transmitted to other people can be 9

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016devastating, especially if you are concerned about passing it to your partner. Manynew cases of herpes occur when an infected person does not realize he or she isshedding the virus and it is passed to a sexual partner. Most newly infected carriersare completely unaware that they are carrying the virus because, in the early stages,herpes frequently fails to present with physical symptoms.HSV and Related ConditionsThough there are two main types of herpes known to affect humans, there areactually eight different viruses that present with similar characteristics. Becausethese viruses present in such similar ways, it is difficult to make an accuratediagnosis based on symptoms alone. HSV-1, or oral herpes, is typically transmittedthrough oral contact (like kissing) or skin to skin contact. This version of the herpessimplex virus can cause recurrent instances of aseptic meningitis and it can also leadto blindness, neonatal herpes, encephalitis, and Bell’s palsy in rare cases. HSV-2, orgenital herpes, is the more common of the two main types and it can be passedthrough oral contact, skin to skin contact, genital to genital contact, or from motherto fetus.A third type of herpes is the Varicella-Zoster Virus, called Herpes Zoster. Thisdisease is responsible for chicken pox that may recur in the form of shingles later inlife. Once the initial rashes have healed, the virus becomes dormant but it never trulydisappears. This virus can be spread through skin to skin contact or throughairborne droplets. Complications related to Herpes Zoster may include encephalitis,pneumonia or, in very severe cases, hepatitis. The fourth virus is Epstein-Barr Virus(EBV) which is also known as the kissing disease. This virus can be transmittedthrough oral contact or airborne droplets and it has been known to contribute tocomplications like nasopharyngeal carcinoma and AIDS-related lymphoma.The fifth virus that presents with similar characteristics to HSV is cytomegalovirus,or CMV – this virus is also sometimes associated with mononucleosis, or “mono”.This virus can be spread through airborne particles, transplanted organs, bloodproducts, and maternal-fetal intrauterine infection. People who have HIV or have anotherwise compromised immune system are at an increased risk for this virus. Thesixth virus is Human Herpes 6, or HHV-6 which is characterized by high fever, rash 10

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016and pea-shaped bumps forming on the back of the head. In rare cases this virus cancause encephalitis and it may also contribute to roseola in infants. This virus istypically transmitted by airborne particles.Human Herpes 7, or HHV-7, is the seventh virus that often presents like HSV and itcan be passed through airborne droplets as well – it may also cause body rashes.HHV-8, also known as Kaposi’s Sarcoma, causes skin lesions, blood vessel-relatedcancer, and rare forms of lymphoma. This virus can be transmitted without thepatient’s knowledge and it may spread throughout the entire body.Staying Positive with HerpesBeing diagnosed with herpes can be very traumatic for some people, but it isimportant to realize that herpes is not a death sentence, it is not life-threatening.Many people diagnosed with herpes have the same concerns – what if I transmit it tomy partner? What if I transmit it to my baby? What if I shed the virus without myknowledge and infect other people? There is an emotional, as well as a physical sideof dealing with the herpes virus which can come and go with each herpes flare-upand period of remission.The goal of this eBook is to help you gain a better understanding of your conditionand to give you hope that it is possible to get rid of this horrible virus! While medicalprofessionals might tell you that herpes is an incurable disease – that it can only betreated with drugs and vaccines - we believe that it IS possible to free yourself fromthis virus. In reading this eBook you will discover some important information thatyour doctor isn’t telling you and we will provide you with the tools you need tofight this dreaded disease, to cure yourself, and to improve your quality of life.The key to managing and ultimately curing your herpes is to remain positive. Yourherpes is not going to kill you! In fact, if you take the time to increase yourknowledge about this virus and implement certain steps to fight the disease, youmay eventually earn your freedom. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and don’t letyourself become just another statistic. Take what this eBook has to offer you, takeback control of your life, and take care of your herpes for good! 11

THECopOyrNighLtY© HAerNpeTs-EIr-aHserE.ORrgP2E01S6 HOMEOPATHIC SUPPLEMENT ENDORSED BY THE HSV ERASER PROGRAM IS HERE Introducing HerpesetHomeopathic doctors have been using the separate ingredients in Herpeset to treat single symptoms Cold Sores for decades, but our experts in homeopathy have chosen a blend of these natural ingredients to help relieve a wider variety of symptoms in one, easy-to-use spray application. Hereare a few samples of the symptoms that each ingredient is recognized by authoritative homeopathic texts to help relieve cold sores. Rhus tox: Reduces itching/inflammation associated with blisters and itchy skin eruptions Apis Mellifica: Relieves burning, stinging pain and swelling Baptista (Wild Indigo): Reduces mouth ulcers Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper): Pain killer Nitricum Acidum (Nitric Acid): Helps heal cracking and bleeding Pyrogenium: speeds healing of abscesses 12

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 Chapter 1: Facing the Enemy – Understanding Your HerpesBefore you can start fighting back against herpes simplex virus, you need to learnand understand as much as you can about it. As you have already learned, the nameherpes is given to a number of different diseases, though there are two main types ofherpes – oral and genital. In this chapter you will be learning some in-depthinformation about the herpes virus, including its viral composition, viral families,and more. You will also learn how the herpes virus affects the human immunesystem, as well as the signs and symptoms with which it typically manifests. Theinformation you learn in this chapter will help you understand the HSV eraserprogram which will help you to erase your herpes for good.What is Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)?The viral infection known as herpes belongs to a broad family of deoxyribonucleic(DNA) viruses called Herpesviridae. This family of viruses causes disease in bothanimals and humans with all members of the group being known as herpesviruses.The name for this family of viruses is derived from a Greek word, herpein, whichmeans “to creep”. This name was given in reference to the way the herpes viruscauses latent, recurring infections.In terms of viral composition, all herpesviruses exhibit similar structure whenexamined under a microscope. All herpesviruses are composed of large, double-stranded DNA genomes that are linear in nature and which can encode up to twohundred genes. These genomes are encapsulated within a cage made up of 13

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016icosahedral proteins called a “capsid”. The capsid itself is enveloped in another layerof protein known as the “tegument” which houses both viral proteins and viralmRNA, together with a bi-layer of lipid membrane called the “envelope”. Thescientific name given to this entire structure particle is “viron”.All herpesviruses exhibit nuclear-replicating tendencies. This simply means that theviral DNA is transcribed into the mRNA housed within the nucleus of the infectedcell. Infection occurs when a viral particle (viron) makes contact with a cell that hasspecific receptor molecules on the cell surface. After the viral envelope becomesbound to the cell membrane receptors, the viron then becomes internalized withinthe cell where it is dismantled. This allows the viral DNA to migrate to other parts ofthe cell, including the nucleus where it begins to replicate the viral DNA – this iswhere transcription of the viral gene actually occurs.Types of HerpesvirusAs you have already learned, there are two main families of herpes simplex virus –they are known as HSV-1 and HSV-2. These viruses can also be known by the namesHHV-1 and HHV-2 as an abbreviation for human herpes virus 1 and human herpesvirus 2. It is important to make this distinction because herpes simplex virus caninfect animals as well as humans. Again, HHV-1 is the causative agent for herpes-related cold sores while HHV-2 is responsible for genital herpes. Both of theseviruses are highly abundant and highly communicable – they can be spread as aresult of the virus reproducing and shedding by the infected body. Herpes can alsobe transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids including saliva and blood.There are eight different types of herpes virus which are known to infect humansand can be transmitted in various ways. These include the following: 1. HSV-1 (HHV-1) – transmitted by close contact with an infected person 2. HSV-1 (HHV-2) – transmitted through close contact or penetrative sexual intercourse with an infected person 14

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 3. Varicella Zoster Virus (VSV) – transmitted through contact and airborne particles exhaled from an infected person 4. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) – transmitted through saliva of an infected person 5. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) – transmitted through physical contact, sexual intercourse, organ transplantation, and blood transfusion 6. Herpes Lymphotropic Virus – transmitted through contact with an infected person or through airborne droplets 7. Human Herpes Virus 7 (HHV-7) – method of transmission is not clearly defined 8. Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpes Virus (KSHV) – also known as HHV-8, transmitted through bodily fluids like blood, saliva, and semenNot only does the herpes virus come in many forms, but it is known for producinginfections that last a lifetime. The main method through which the herpes virusaccomplishes this is called “immune evasion” – the virus actually avoids detectionby the human immune system which is what enables it to survive for so long. Onemethod of immune evasion that the herpes virus uses is by encoding specificproteins that mimic a protein called interleukin 10 which is found naturally in thehuman body.Another method the herpes virus is able to avoid detection is through the downwardregulation of Major Histocompatibility Complex II (MHC II) in infected cells. Thiscan occur in several different ways but it all leads to the same result – MHC beingabsent from the surface of the infected cell. If the MHC cannot reach the cell surface,it cannot activate a T-cell response. T-cells, or lymphocytes, are the active cells of theimmune system which work to identify and destroy harmful pathogens. If the T-cellsare not activated, the herpes virus will continue to spread at will. 15

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016Herpes Virus in AnimalsIn the previous section you were introduced to other types of herpes virus –different viruses within the herpesviridae family that cause infections like Varicellazoster virus and Epstein-Barr virus. There are over 115 different species ofherpesviruses that have been identified and studied in humans, but herpesvirusesact a little different in animals. The most common form of herpesvirus known toaffect animals belong to the Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily and one of the mostcommon forms is pseudo rabies virus, or PrV. Scientific research on PrV has led tosignificant developments in animal disease control through the use of geneticallymodified vaccines. In fact, PrV is currently being studied as a model for theproduction of numerous vaccines. 16

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016Signs and Symptoms of HerpesNow that you understand a little bit more about the different types of herpes andhow they avoid detection by the human immune system, you may be curious tolearn more about how these viruses actually affect the human body. It may surpriseyou to know that, in the early stages, herpes can present with cold- or flu-likesymptoms including decreased appetite, fever, achy muscles, swollen lymph nodes,and general feelings of malaise. Below you will learn more about the specific signsand symptoms of both HSV-1 and HSV-2.HSV-1, Oral HerpesHerpes simplex 1, or HSV-1, is most commonly called oral herpes because itproduces cold sores or blisters around the mouth. These sores are typically small,fluid-filled blisters that can actually be quite painful despite their small size. Herpescold cores tend to appear on the mouth, lips, cheeks, throat, and chin, though theycan also appear on the nose or fingers. Oral herpes can actually be caused by eitherHSV-1 or HSV-2, though it is most commonly caused by HSV-1.Before the sores actually form, many patients describe “prodromal symptoms” – thatis, early symptoms which precede the characteristic signs of the disease. Thesesymptoms may include itching, tingling, or pain about a day or two before theblisters actually appear. Once the blisters form, they typically break open after a dayor two, leaking a clear infectious fluid, then they crust over and remain that way forup to 24 days.Oral herpes can be transmitted through close contact with an infected person, eitherskin-to-skin or through sexual intercourse. An infected person can pass the viruseven when no blisters are present – the skin can actually shed the virus without anysymptoms being present. The virus typically enters the body through skin breaksand it is possible for an infected person to spread the infection to other parts of his orher own body simply by touching a sore and then touching another part of the body. 17

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016HSV-2, Genital HerpesHerpes simplex 2, or HSV-2, is most commonly called genital herpes because it cancause sores to form on the genitals and it is primarily spread through sexual contact.Though HSV-2 is most commonly responsible for genital herpes, it is possible tospread HSV-1 to the genital area through mouth-to-genital contact or through sexualcontact with a person who has an oral herpes infection. Similar to HSV-1, genitalherpes can be transmitted even when no sores are present – the skin could beshedding the virus at any time, with or without symptoms.During the first week or two after contracting the virus, most patients show nosymptoms. By the second week, however, the first outbreak typically presents withpainful sores and flu-like symptoms. Blisters usually appear on the genitals or nearthe rectum and then they break open the leak infectious fluid and then crust over,though it may take weeks for the sore to actually go away. In some cases, recurrentoutbreaks begin with mild symptoms like tingling or itching in the genital region –these are prodromal symptoms like those mentioned above for HSV-1.The formation and location of herpes lesions is a little bit different for males versusfemales. For men, blisters typically form on the shaft of the penis while, in females,they often form on the vagina, vulva, and cervix. Both men and women can developlesions around the anus and they can affect the urethra as well. Genital herpes inwomen is usually accompanied by vaginal discharge which can transmit the virusduring sexual contact with an uninfected person.Perhaps the most troubling thing about the herpes virus is that it is highly infectiousbut it can be spread even when no symptoms are present. Some people with herpesexperience recurrent outbreaks every few weeks while others only have them a fewtimes per year. Once an outbreak occurs, it can take weeks for the sores to go awayand the virus can still be transmitted after they have healed. People with herpesoften feel as though their lives are controlled by their virus because there is nomedical cure for this condition. In reading this eBook, however, you will discoverthat there may be hope for you yet! Keep reading to learn about the possibility oferasing your herpes for good. 18

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016History and Statistics of the VirusThe herpes virus has been known by man for at least 2,000 years so it is by no meansa new affliction. In fact, Roman Emperor Tiberius was said to have banned kissing inhis kingdom for a period of time because so many of his followers were afflicted bycold sores. Even Shakespeare made reference to blisters “o’er ladies’ lips” in hisfamous Romeo and Juliet. Herpes has existed for many hundreds of years, though ithas only been the subject of deep scientific study since the early 1900s when it wasdiscovered to be a virus. Antiviral therapy for the herpes virus didn’t begin until theearly 1960s.Not only has herpes existed for thousands of years, but recent statistics suggest thatit is still highly prevalent – it may be more common than you could have everimagined. The latest statistical data released in March 2010 by the Center for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC) suggests that approximately 5 million Americans areinfected with the herpes virus and that there are nearly half a million new cases ofherpes each year. Even more shocking, it is estimated that roughly 90% of theAmerican population is affected by oral herpes and 20% have genital herpes. Genitalherpes is the most predominant sexually-transmitted virus in the United States.Though a shocking percentage of the American population is affected by herpes, it isestimated that only about 25% of infected people are in the active stage of the virusat any given time. A large percentage of people infected with the herpes virus don’teven know it yet. Unfortunately, this means that they are prone to spreading thevirus to other unsuspecting individuals. In fact, some statistics suggest that twopeople are infected with the herpes virus every minute of every day. With the speedat which this virus is being transmitted, some consider it to be a modern epidemic.Male vs. Female StatisticsYou may be surprised to learn that not only is herpes more common in women, butthe virus can lead to some very dangerous (even deadly) complications in women.Herpes infections affect approximately 1 out of 4 women in the United States andabout 1 in 5 men. This may be due to the fact that male-to-female transmission of the 19

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016disease is more effective than female-to-male transmission. It is possible for awoman to transmit herpes to the fetus during pregnancy, though it is not verycommon. The biggest risk occurs when a women becomes infected with herpes forthe first time during pregnancy. In rare cases, herpes sores present during deliverycan lead to a life-threatening infection for the newborn – if sores are present prior todelivery, the doctor may recommend a cesarean section to protect the baby.Age-Related StatisticsAccording to recent statistics, approximately 1 out of 5 American adolescents andadults is affected by genital herpes. Furthermore, about two-thirds of people whohave any kind of sexually transmitted disease in the U.S. are under the age of 25. Asmany as 1 in 5 Americans over the age of 12 (that equates to about 45 million people)is infected with HSV-2, and up to 1 million new cases are transmitted each year. Thenumber of Americans infected with herpes has increased by 30% since the 1970s andit is estimated that 40% of all American adult men and women could be infectedwith genital herpes by the year 2025.Race and Ethnicity StatisticsThe highest herpes infection rates have been reported in African-Americancommunities. Recent statistical data suggests that the prevalence of HSV in African-Americans is much greater than that in white non-Hispanic and Mexican-Americanethnicities. To give you a better idea on what this means, consider the face thatapproximately 45.9% of African-American adults are infected with the herpes virusversus 17.6% of white Caucasians. The largest increase in new cases of genitalherpes, however, is among white teenagers. HSV-2 is currently 5 times morecommon in 12- to 19-year-ld white adolescents than it has ever been. 20

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016Other StatisticsIn addition to noting the ages and ethnicities herpes virus infections are most likelyto affect, there are some other interesting statistics you may want to consider. Forexample, annual medical costs associated with sexually transmitted infections is over$15 billion dollars in the United States each year. The annual costs associated withgenital herpes in particular is over $250 million.HSV infections are becoming more and more common with each passing year,though the medical community still has yet to produce a cure for this disease. 21

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 Introducing GENIUX, the Advanced Brain Formula…Most people start noticing a loss of their cognitive functions, also known as “brain power”, by the age of 30. If you are suffering from:  Memory loss  Forgetting where you put your things  Difficulty concentrating  Lack of focus  Lack of motivation  Very low energy levels  Or consider you are less able to mentally perform….Your natural, risk free solution is now HERE:GENIUX is the no. 1 cognitive enhancer that will noticeably improve your focus and memory in as littleas a week, as well as simultaneously increase your energy levels, helping you get rid of mental fatigue. Boost your brain’s power with 1 pill every morning. Completely natural and 100% safe! 22 Recommended by the HSV ERASER PROGRAM

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016Diagnosing and Living with HSVThe moment you receive the positive test results and find out that you have herpescan be a life-changing moment. You yourself probably experienced a lot of mixedemotions. What you need to realize, however, is that one of the hardest parts isfinally over – you have the diagnosis and you can start taking the necessary steps toget your condition under control. Having but not knowing that you have the virus isthe worst part – potentially spreading the disease to others without even knowingyou have it can be a hard thing to live with. Once you have the diagnosis you canbegin the process of healing, both for yourself and for your partner, if you have one.One of the biggest challenges of being diagnosed with herpes is accepting thediagnosis without letting it break you. You may have made some poor decisions thatled to your contraction of the disease, or you could have no idea how you got it.Either way, it is part of your life and the best thing you can do is accept it. Justbecause you accept it, however, doesn’t mean that you give up the right to feel otheremotions. You still have the right to feel sad, or even a little bit mad – but do not letyourself fall into denial. Wasting time wishing your illness away won’t do you oranyone else any good.Will Having Herpes Change Who I Am?If you are still struggling to come to terms with the fact that you have herpes, take astep back and try to think of it for what it is – a virus. A person who is sick with acold doesn’t blame himself for contracting an illness and he knows that his life isn’tover because of it. Herpes is just another infection, and while it might affect yourbody in different ways, you can still treat and manage it just like any other condition.It might take some time for you to get used to the lifestyle changes you’ll have toimplement to prevent passing the disease, but having herpes doesn’t have to changewho you are fundamentally as a person.In fact, many people who have been diagnosed with herpes recognize that theirillness has made them a better person! When you carry a disease that can be passedto other people, you have to make some changes in your life to take responsibilityfor yourself and for your actions. You cannot go on living a carefree life without any 23

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016concern for others anymore – you must become a stronger and more caring personin order to live through your herpes.Though herpes will not change who you are, your first outbreak can be a challengingtime. For many people, the first outbreak is the worst but that simply means thatonce you survive it, the rest will be easy. You might have to deal with some pain anddiscomfort during the actual outbreak, but eventually those things will fade and youwill go back to looking and feeling like yourself again. Just keep in mind that yourherpes is something that affects you – it does not have to be something that definesyou, and it certainly doesn’t have to control you, either.How Will My Life Change After Herpes?Although having herpes doesn’t have to change who you are as a person, it doesnecessitate some changes to your lifestyle. Herpes is one of the most communicablediseases out there, so you need to take certain precautions to avoid passing thedisease on to others. If you haven’t been officially diagnosed with herpes yet, thatshould be your first step. When you visit your doctor, you should expect him toperform a thorough exam including some tests which may include the following:  PCR Blood Test – This test will tell your doctor whether or not you have the herpes virus, even if you are not currently displaying symptoms. A PCR blood test actually searches for the DNA of the virus so it is highly accurate.  Cell Culture – If you currently have oral or genital sores, your doctor will take a cell culture from the sore and analyze it under a microscope to check for the herpes simplex virus.  Antibody Test – This test is often used as a backup to test for antibodies in the blood which could identify the presence of the herpes virus. When the immune system does identify the herpes virus it will produce antibodies to fight it and that is what this test looks for. 24

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016It is possible for either the PCR blood test or the cell culture to produce falsenegative results. This can happen if you get tested when your sores are already inthe process of healing or if you have only recently been infected. It can take a fewweeks for your immune system to react and to produce the antibodies that willindicate the presence of the herpes simplex virus. You may then need to haveadditional tests to determine which type of HSV you have.In addition to telling you that you do in fact have the herpes virus, diagnostic testscan help you determine when and how you contracted the disease. You may not beable to pin down an exact date, but your doctor should be able to give you somerough estimations if the test results are positive. When you see your doctor, be sureto tell him about all of your symptoms – even if they do not seem relevant.Remember, herpes can sometimes present with flu-like symptoms in the earlystages, so think about whether you’ve experienced things like a decreased appetite,achy or sore muscles, tender lymph nodes, and fever.Once you have your diagnosis, you might feel as though the world has stopped. It isperfectly natural to feel a little bit shocked at first, even scared. Take as much time asyou need to come to terms with your diagnosis and then start taking responsiblesteps to prevent spreading it. This may mean having a talk with your romanticpartner and it may even mean talking to people you’ve had close contact with sincecontracting the disease. It will be hard, but it is necessary. 25

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016Is It My Fault I Have Herpes?This is a question that countless HSV-positive individuals ask themselves. While it istrue that certain behaviors can increase your risk for contracting the disease, it ishard to come to term with the idea that it might be your fault that you have herpes.Because herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI), your risk for contracting itincreases with the number of sexual partners you have. People who only have onelifetime sexual partner have the lowest risk of contracting the disease, though it canstill be spread through non-sexual contact.It is important to remember that the herpes virus can be transmitted through anumber of different methods. You can contract oral herpes simply by sharing a glassof water with an infected person who has active sores or is currently shedding thevirus. For oral contact, even a minimal amount of saliva can be enough to transmitthe disease. Unlike some STIs, the host does not have to have open wounds in orderto transmit the disease to an uninfected partner. If the person is unaware that theyhave herpes, or if they are aware but do not inform you of the risk, it cannot be yourfault if you contract it.Even if it isn’t technically your fault that you’ve contracted the herpes virus, youneed to ask yourself some hard questions regarding whether or not it could havebeen prevented. One of the most common ways that both oral and genital herpes istransmitted is through unprotected sex. The act of wearing a condom during sexualactivity can greatly reduce your risk for contracting or transmitting an STI. Bodilyfluids are the best carriers for viruses like HSV, so any contact with semen or vaginalfluid during sex could lead to transmission of the disease.To summarize, some of the factors which can increase your risk for contracting theherpes virus may include:  Having multiple sexual partners  Unprotected sexual activity (oral, vaginal, anal, penetrative, etc.)  Close contact with an infected partner (touching, kissing, etc.)  Contact with bodily fluids of an infected partner (saliva, blood, semen, vaginal discharge)  Contact with an open sore or crusted-over sore  Skin contact during asymptomatic shedding of the virus 26

Hsv Eraser Ebook Free Download

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016Risk Factors for OutbreaksThroughout the course of your life you will go through periods of active viralactivity and periods of remission. Periods during which your herpes flare-ups arereferred to as “outbreaks” and there are certain factors which can increase your riskfor an outbreak. Some risk factors that can lead to outbreaks may include:Stress – Many studies have shown a link between periods of chronic stress andrecurrent herpes outbreaks, particularly in women. Even short-term stressors like anacute injury, flying in an airplane, a big presentation at work can lead to an outbreakjust as easily as long-term stressors like financial problems, stress in a relationship,problems at work, etc.Menstruation – A study conducted by the National Institute of Dental andCraniofacial Research discovered that oral herpes outbreaks can be triggered bymenstruation in women. The hormonal changes that occur during menstruation maybe to blame for the increased risk for outbreak because it can be a stressful time onboth the mind and body. There are also some studies which suggest that tampon usecould aggravate genital herpes outbreaks, as can the wearing of tight underwearwith sanitary pads. To help reduce the risk for a herpes outbreak during menstrualperiods, try using non-chlorinated feminine hygiene products.Sunlight/Sunburn – Excessive exposure to sunlight and sunburn can increase therisk for an HSV-1 outbreak, especially when combined with emotional stress. Ultra-violet rays can actually block the activity of immune cells in the skin which can leadto herpes outbreaks. Sunburn is a form of skin irritation which can also lead tooutbreaks.Dehydration – When your body is dehydrated it results in excess strain and theherpes virus could take advantage of such a weakness to produce an outbreak. This 27

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016is particularly common when your lips become cracked and dry due to dehydration.Dehydration-related outbreaks are particularly common during the winter months.Strenuous Exercise – High-intensity exercise is a form of stress for the body and itcan impact your immune activity, making way for a herpes outbreak. Exercise canalso lead to excessive perspiration and chafing which can contribute to thedevelopment of herpes sores and lesions. Mild forms of exercise like walking orjogging are the least likely to trigger an outbreak.Nutrition – Your dietary habits can play an important role in increasing or reducingyour risk for a herpes outbreak. Some foods that are most likely to trigger anoutbreak include coffee, alcohol, nuts, chocolate, dairy products, corn, soda, andprocessed foods. Lysine is a dietary compound that can help to prevent an outbreakbut foods containing l-arginine (like chocolate and coffee) can actually suppresslysine.Illness or Injury – When you are sick or injured your immune system has to workharder to make you well. As a result, your body might be weakened and less able tofight off a herpes outbreak. Surgery can also trigger a herpes outbreak because itputs a lot of stress on the body.Knowing that herpes is a lifelong condition is difficult for many people to come toterms with. It is also hard knowing that everything you do could potentially increaseyour risk for an outbreak. The best thing you can do for yourself is to learneverything you can about the herpes virus and how it affects your body, so you canreduce your symptoms and avoid passing it to others. In the next section you willread some confessions from a fellow herpes patient – hopefully these confessionswill help you come to terms with your condition and help you understand that youare not alone. 28

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016Confessions of an HSV PatientLife had never looked so exciting, so perfect, so full of hope as it did when I entered college. Istarted school with a laundry list of hopes and dreams that I wanted to bring to reality overthe next four years. I entered college as a young, somewhat naïve person, but I was ready tolearn and ready to live. I was what you might describe as an “ordinary” girl, nothing terriblyspecial about me, but I knew who I was and what I wanted to accomplish.The first few weeks of college passed by in a blur of homework assignments, social activities,and new experiences. I lived each moment to the fullest and took advantage of every newopportunity that I could. I experienced life without looking back. Unfortunately, myexcitement sometimes got the better of me and I did things without really thinking themthrough. That is what ultimately got me into trouble.If you are reading this eBook, you probably have a story similar to mine and you probablyalready know how mine ends. At least, you think you do.During my first semester at college I started to form strong ties with one particularclassmate. We lived in the same dorm and started to spend all of our free time together. Shewas the kind of person that other people were simply drawn to. She had a special qualityabout her that was hard to pin down but it made her simply irresistible – and she knew it.Together we went to all of the biggest parties on campus, we stayed out all night on theweekends, and we became practically inseparable. We talked late into the night about ourlatest crushes, we bitched about our latest homework assignments, and we were always therefor each other when things got rough.And then things changed.When I was diagnosed with genital herpes, my entire world shook around me. Why me? Iwas constantly asking myself, wondering if there was something I had done to deserve thiskind of punishment.I was so ashamed and confused that eventually those feelings turned to anger, but not angerat myself – anger at my friend who lived life just as carelessly as I had but who, for somereason unbeknownst to me, had dodged the herpes bullet. We had both had our fair share ofcasual encounters and weekend romances, but somehow I was the only one facing theconsequences. 29

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016It took a good bit of time and a great deal of courage to finally confess to my friend thehorrible truth – I had herpes. The way she looked at me when I finally told her will be foreverengrained in my mind. In that moment I went from being her best friend and partner incrime to someone low, someone disgusting – someone to be avoided. She told me we’d talkabout it but we never really did and eventually we drifted apart and I was forced to face myhorrible situation alone.After I came to terms with the fact that I had herpes I began to understand that I had aresponsibility to protect myself and others. I was dating one person steadily at the time andthought it could be love, but when the truth of my diagnosis came to light our bond wasn’tstrong enough to keep us together. I can’t say that I blame him for walking away – I thankedGod every day that I hadn’t passed my herpes on to him and part of me worried that if westayed together it would only be a matter of time before I did.So I set out on my journey alone. I suffered for months from crippling depression and shame.I tried to piece together the details of my past to pinpoint the moment where my life changed– where I contracted an STI. It eventually became clear that I could not handle the stress ofschool on top of my condition, so I returned home to my family and began to seek treatmentfrom my family physician.When I started treatment for my herpes part of me felt a sense of satisfaction that I wasfinally doing something. But then I became bogged down in all the details – the things Icouldn’t do, the foods I couldn’t eat, the drugs I had to take, all to avoid an outbreak. I tried toreconnect with some of my high school friends, but I felt as though I was living a lie, keepingfrom them my deepest, darkest secret. For years I isolated myself, keeping all of myrelationships as shallow as possible to avoid sharing my secret. I stayed on a cocktail of drugsdesigned to keep my symptoms at bay, but sometimes the side effects were worse than theoutbreaks.Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and I bared my soul to my best friend from high school. Iexpected a reaction similar to my college friend and mentally prepared myself for the coldshoulder she would certainly start showing me. But she didn’t. She helped me to see that myherpes was something I was struggling with, but it wasn’t who I was… it didn’t change whoI was as a person. What really turned my life around, however, was when she introduced meto this eBook.I was skeptical at first, as you can imagine. After all, I’d been receiving medical treatment formy herpes for years and no doctor had even hinted at the possibility of a cure. As skeptical as 30

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016I was, my friend didn’t give up and we eventually read the eBook together. After a few pages,my old fire started to return – I was curious and eager to learn so I kept reading. I finishedthe eBook in a matter of hours and then I read it again. I was filled with a fiery hope oncemore, like the hope I had when I first started college. A hope that I had thought was lostforever.I no longer needed my friend’s encouragement – I was ready to give the program a try and Iput everything I had into it. It took some time, and a lot of trial and error, but eventually Igot the hang of it. And after a few months I realized that I hadn’t had a single flare-uprecently. I ran to the bathroom and checked every inch of my body – no sores! I felt healthy forthe first time in years and I started to regain my confidence and my excitement for life and forthe future.Two years later, I am happy to say that I am still symptom-free. I am so proud that I was ableto take back control of my life, though I know I wouldn’t have been able to do it on my own. Ihave once again found the ability to enjoy life, to live every moment to the fullest, withoutworrying about my next outbreak. I went back and finished school and now I have a job that Ilove. More than that, I’m getting married! This eBook has given me back my life and I simplydon’t know where I would have been without it. I hope that reading this eBook helps you justas much as it helped me and I hope that you once more regain hope for the future like I did.You are worth it! 31

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Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 Chapter 2: Herpes Myths and MisconceptionsHopefully by now your interest has been piqued. After all, you’ve probably beentold for years, even decades that there is no hope for a cure with herpes. Beforegetting into the details about the HSV Eraser, however, it is important to take a lookat the things you’ve been told. Only once you have an understanding of what iswrong can you truly learn what is right. So think back to everything you’ve learnedabout herpes from your doctor and from your own experience with the disease.Think back to your original diagnosis and how it went.What Recommendations Did Your Doctor Make?The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have set guidelines for thediagnosis of herpes. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, you must be completelyhonest with your doctor and answer all of his questions as fully as you are able. Themore honest you are, the better able your doctor will be to determine which type ofherpes you have. There are clear distinctions between Type 1 and Type 2 which willbe revealed through testing and analysis of your symptoms.Herpes Type 1 is usually transmitted through oral contact or through mouth-to-genital contact (oral sex). Your doctor may tell you that you don’t necessarily need tobe worried about infidelity, because the infection can be transmitted within amonogamous relationship. This is a common concern for people diagnosed withherpes, especially if the person who gave it to them was not displaying anysymptoms. In the event that you are diagnosed with herpes but your partner has not 33

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016been, you will need to inform him or her for his own safety and recommend thatthey be tested as well.For many people diagnosed with herpes, it can be a scary time. Your doctorprobably gave you some encouragement about living your life as normally aspossible despite the infection. He probably also told you about some lifestylechanges to make or avoid in order to minimize outbreaks. Of course, there are somefactors you simply cannot control which could trigger an outbreak – things likemenstruation in women or stress. Your doctor probably gave you some tips orresources to help you manage these situations to avoid an outbreak. You may alsoneed to start taking precautions in terms of sharing food, utensils, and the like toavoid spreading the disease.Herpes Type 2 is not transmitted quite so easily as Type 1 through bodily contact.Your doctor probably gave you a list of things to avoid in terms of preventingtransmission of the disease. Things like hugging and cuddling are generally safe,because transmission of Type 2 herpes generally occurs through penetrative sexualintercourse and/or the exchange of bodily fluids. When having an outbreak, yourdoctor probably advised you to avoid sexual contact to minimize the risk oftransmitting the disease.Medical Treatments for HerpesWhen you received your herpes diagnosis, your doctor probably told you that thedisease cannot be cured but it can sometimes be managed with medications. Mostmedications used to treat herpes are designed to relieve symptoms of outbreaks andto shorten the course of the outbreak. Your doctor probably prescribed you with oneor more drugs based on a number of factors including your age, allergies, and thetype of herpes you have. Some medications are more effective for Type 1 than forType 2 and some medications are only recommended for women who are pregnant.In most cases, doctors prescribe some kind of antiviral medication to treat thepreliminary outbreak and to reduce symptoms and heal sores.Below you will find an overview of the various topical and medical treatmentscommonly prescribed for herpes: 34

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016  Topical Creams – These may be prescription or over-the-counter remedies used to control the herpes infection. They may help to relieve pain for sores and lesions, but they generally do not help with the actual outbreak.  Valacyclovir (Valtrex) – This antiviral medication helps to suppress the virus, limiting its spread. This medication may also help to lessen the severity of symptoms during an outbreak and it is particularly effective for women. This drug is only recommended for patients over 12 years of age.  Acyclovir (Zovirax) – This medication works by reducing the rate of replication for the herpes virus, helping to slow its spread. This drug doesn’t completely kill the virus but it can help to reduce symptoms when taken over a period of five days.  Famiciclovir (Famvir) – This antiviral medication is usually prescribed for genital herpes and it is particularly beneficial for patients with compromised immune systems. A dosage of 1000mg can be taken twice a day for genital herpes or 1500mg can be taken once a day for oral herpes.  IV Medications – In very severe cases, intravenous medication may be administered to reduce symptoms and to slow the spread of the virus.No matter which type of medication your doctor prescribed, it is important that youstick to your treatment plan without making any unapproved changed. Some herpesmedications can interact with other medications, so don’t start or stop takinganything without asking your doctor. If you start to experience side effects, talk toyour doctor about changing your dosage or switching to another medication to see ifthat helps. Do not change the dosage yourself because you could end up with anoverdose.Antiviral medications are the most common forms of medical treatment for herpes,and there are different types to choose from. In some cases, antiviral therapies canalso be combined with non-prescriptive treatments for added benefits. The type ofantiviral therapy your doctor prescribes will vary depending on your age, type ofinfection, and the severity of your symptoms. 35

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016The three main types of antiviral therapy are listed below:  Initial Treatment Therapy – This type of therapy is usually administered to relieve symptoms, particularly sores, after the initial diagnosis has been made. This therapy usually lasts for a fairly limited period of time, about 7 to 10 days. In addition to treating initial symptoms, this therapy can help to prevent symptoms from worsening and they may help the sores to heal more quickly.  Intermittent Treatment Therapy – This type of antiviral drug therapy is designed to prevent your immune system from becoming compromised any further during a flare-up. These medications are usually only taken for 2 to 5 days when you see the signs of an outbreak coming on. This type of therapy helps to reduce the severity and length of the outbreak and it is generally effective for people who have mild recurrent infections, about 6 outbreaks or fewer each year.  Suppressive Treatment Therapy – This type of therapy is administered in the case of severe outbreaks or frequent recurrences. This antiviral therapy can help minimize outbreaks by as much as 80% - when taken daily, it may even prevent outbreaks completely.If you and your doctor agreed that your condition is not being managed effectivelywith antiviral medications alone, he may have suggested some non-prescriptivetherapies as well to help manage your outbreaks.Some examples of non-prescriptive therapy include:  Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen may help to relieve pain for mild recurrent outbreaks – they may also lessen fever.  Dietary supplements like vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, L-lysine, and probiotics may help to boost the immune system and control the infection. 36

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016  Topical creams like Dynamiclear and Abreva can sometimes help to speed healing during an outbreak. When applied directly to sores, the creams can help dry them out and relieve both pain and itching.  Getting enough sleep and controlling stress levels can help to reduce the recurrence of outbreaks and lessen the severity of symptoms.  Drinking enough water to stay hydrated can reduce the risk for outbreaks and keep the immune system healthy.  Avoiding excessive exposure to UV rays may help to reduce the severity or frequency of herpes outbreaks in infected individuals.Each case of herpes is unique – there is no set number of outbreaks that is considered“normal” per year. Because each case is different, your doctor may prescribe you adifferent treatment than someone else with herpes is taking. The main goal ofmodern herpes treatments is to reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks ingeneral and, during outbreaks, to speed healing and to prevent the spread of theinfection. With daily suppressive antiviral therapy you can reduce the risk oftransmitting the infection to your sexual partner by reducing the shedding of thevirus. 37

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016What Your Doctor Did NOT Tell YouWhen you are diagnosed with herpes, your doctor will be focused in managing yourcondition and reducing the frequency of outbreaks. He will create a detailedtreatment plan and you will be advised to stick to it. For some people, having atreatment plan is enough to make them feel as if they are in control of their conditionand it may help to reduce some of the anxiety that comes along with testing positivefor herpes. After submitting to so many tests and diagnostic procedures, you mightjust be glad that they are over and that you have an answer.Unfortunately, there are many things that doctors DON’T tell to their herpespatients. Many of those antiviral drugs that are designed to lessen your symptomscould actually produce some very nasty side effects. And all of the drugs you haveto take to keep your herpes under control can be very expensive – not justfinancially, but they can also take a toll on your body by causing addiction ordependence. Finally, the biggest thing that doctors and pharmaceutical companieswill not tell you is that herpes CAN be cured! Keep reading to learn more about thelies the modern medical industry is telling you about herpes.Antiviral Drugs Come with Side Effects!While antiviral medications might help to reduce the severity of your herpesoutbreaks or even make them less frequent, they often come with some very nastyside effects. Your risk for side effects increases if you don’t give your doctor all of therelevant information he needs about your medical history to make an accuratediagnosis and to prescribe the right treatment. Some concurrent conditions thatcould increase your risk for side effects may include a weakened immune system(especially due to HIV/AIDS), liver disease, lactose intolerance, and pregnancy.Even if your doctor is careful, however, you can’t always predict when side effectsmight occur.Below you will find an overview of some of the side effects that are possible withpopular antiviral herpes medications: 38

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Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016  Famvir Side Effects – The most common side effects of this medication are stomach pain, cramps, nausea, heavy bleeding, diarrhea, and headaches. Less common side effects may include rash, redness of the skin, gas, vomiting, fatigue, skin irritation, mood swings, behavioral changes, mental fog, hallucinations, anxiety, and restlessness.  Valacyclovir Side Effects – The most common side effects of this medication are depression, loss of interest, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, irritability, cramps, ear infections, muscle aches, joint pain and stiffness, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose. Less common side effects may include constipation, diarrhea, fever, headaches, yellow skin, shortness of breath, chest pain, chills, and decreased urine output.  Acyclovir Side Effects – The most common side effects of this medication are pain at the injection site, swelling, stomach pain, increased thirst, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, and decreased urine output. Less common side effects may include trembling, hallucinations, hives, unusual bleeding or bruising, mental confusion, skin irritations, convulsions, chills, fever, and sore throat.In many cases, herpes patients experience mild side effects when they first starttaking a new medication – the side effects may go away on their own as the bodygets used to the drugs. If the side effects persist, your doctor may recommendlowering the dosage or switching to a new medication. The more medications youare on, the more likely you are to experience side effects and drug interactions.In addition to the minor side effects listed above, there are a few very serious sideeffects which have been reported in conjunction with antiviral herpes medications.In some cases, for example, acyclovir ends up crystallizing in the renal tubes whichhas led to several instances of renal failure. Fatalities have also been reported inpatients undergoing HIV/AIDS treatment or organ transplant in concurrence withantiviral herpes treatments. In some cases, patients have also experienced behavioralchanges such as psychosis, delirium, and mania. Prolonged use of antiviralmedications may increase the risk for cardiovascular problems includinghypotension. 39

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016If there are such serious risks involved, why do doctors keep prescribingthem?This is a question many people ask once they start to experience side effects withtheir antiviral herpes medications. The simple truth is that everyone respondsdifferently to medications and, for some people, they work well without any sideeffects at all. Even the simplest medications can cause dangerous side effects. Forexample, prolonged Aspirin use can lead to liver damage.It is also important to realize that antiviral herpes medications are not designed todestroy the virus – they are simply prescribed to manage your symptoms. Thesedrugs are supposed to help keep the virus from spreading and you won’t reallyknow how well they work until you try them.Herpes Treatments are Expensive!Whether or not you have health insurance, prescription medications for herpes canbe expensive! Many herpes patients end up spending hundreds, even thousands ofdollars each year on their medications. Some herpes medications are only availablein expensive brand-name formulas, while some have generic options. Unfortunately,some people cannot tolerate generic medications or they do not receive the samebenefits as they do from brand-name drugs. As a result, they are forced to pay morefor their drugs just to get the relief they need.The costs for your antiviral medications will depend on the type of therapy you areprescribed. For initial or intermittent therapies you may only have to pay for aweek’s worth of drugs. A 10-day course of Acyclovir, for example, could cost youaround $130. For a year’s worth of suppressive therapy with a drug likeValacyclovir, however, you are looking at a cost of $1,100 or more. If you have totake multiple prescriptions, your costs can add up very quickly.Not only do herpes drugs take a financial toll, but they can also take a physical andmental toll on your body! 40

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016Though specific side effects may vary from one medication to another, you couldend up with one or several of these problems:  Gastrointestinal Problems – Antiviral herpes medications can lead to a number of gastrointestinal problems and they can contribute to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This happens because the medication irritates the lining of the intestines, causing inflammation which can lead to side effects like bloating, constipation, nausea, abdominal pain, and upset stomach.  Adverse Skin Reactions – Many antiviral medications are designed to stop the skin from shedding the virus, but they can lead to some nasty skin reactions. Common skin problems resulting from herpes medications include rash, redness, itchiness, hives, and blistering. If these reactions become severe and combine with respiratory problems it may be an indication of an allergic reaction.  Headaches and Fatigue – The most common side effect of herpes medication is headache and, in some cases, these headaches can become quite severe. Approximately 40% of herpes patients experience headaches, some even experience migraine attacks at regular intervals. Another common and related side effect is chronic fatigue.  Dysmenorrhea – Some antiviral herpes medications have been known to cause dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation. Many women experience mild pain or discomfort during menstruation, but antiviral medications can make it way worse.  Mental Problems – It may be surprising to you, but many medications come with mental and psychological side effects. Some mental problems caused by herpes medications may include depression, brain fog, anxiety, mental confusion, hallucinations, mood swings, and irritability.  Other Side Effects – As if the side effects listed above were not bad enough, some antiviral medications lead to even more side effects. Weight gain, for example, is not uncommon with prescription drugs. Some people have also 41

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 been known to experience heart problems, respiratory problems, even organ failure. Are you willing to take those risks with long-term medication?Unfortunately, the modern world of medicine has a slightly backwards way oflooking at things, especially when it comes to treating herpes. Pharmaceuticalcompanies are always looking for the next miracle drug, but the thing is, they don’twant to CURE the disease – they just want to MANAGE it. The longer you keeptaking your prescription medications, the more money the pharmaceuticalcompanies make! Modern herpes treatments are all about suppressing the infectionand reducing symptoms, they are not about getting rid of the infection completely.Herpes CAN Be Cured!Now that you’ve lifted the veil and have learned about the things your doctorDIDN’T tell you about your herpes, you may be eager to learn the truth. If you takethe time to do even a little bit of research on your own, you may come to discoverthat the information your doctor gave you is very outdated. Many hospitals andphysicians offices are still operating under the assumption that herpes is not acurable disease, so they only offer treatments to manage it and its symptoms. Thereis plenty of new research out there to suggest that a cure for herpes is entirelypossible.One of the most interesting new developments in herpes research is based on theidea that herpes CAN be cured if it is treated like a fungus rather than a virus. Youwill have to do some digging if you want to find quantifiable research, but it is outthere! There are also a number of natural herbs that may help with the treatment ofherpes simplex virus by boosting your immunity and reducing the severity ofsymptoms. All of this information and more is out there if you put your mind tofinding it for yourself!As you embark on your journey toward a cure for herpes, keep in mind that it is amarathon and not a sprint – be patient! New scientific discoveries are being madeeach and every day, so don’t be afraid of a little experimentation – that is how thebiggest discoveries are made. You are an individual and your body may react 42

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016differently to some treatments than someone else’s might, so take your time anddon’t expect it to happen overnight.If you are ready to learn the truth – that herpes CAN be cured – then don’t wasteany time. Turn the page to learn about the HSV Eraser! Traditional herpestreatments and therapies only offer short-term solutions and the side-effects mayoutweigh the benefits. If you are willing to do a little bit of experimenting and takeback control of your life and your treatment plan, the HSV Eraser might just be thesecret herpes cure you’ve been waiting for. 43

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 FREE Book Reveals How to REVERSE Arthritis naturally (plus foods to avoid that worsen Arthritis)The best part. A pain free life can be yours much sooner than what you may think.You’ll discover the secrets to that ended 30 years of agony for one doctor after hetried all of the conventional pain treatments that didn’t work. But as soon as hestarted using the treatments and solutions in this book, the pain vanished. And yes,it has been a permanent solution for him. You’ll see how it could do the same foryou.There is a catch. There are limited copies. If you’re seeing this now, though, we stillhave one reserved for you as bonus for your purchase. Please hurry and claim yourcopy. The book is yours FREE, after a small shipping fee that allows us to rush thebook right to your door. Start enjoying the benefits of these healing breakthroughsthat are proven to help quickly end many types of pain. Here are some of the profound benefits you'll find in your FREE hard copy of Arthritis Reversed, written by Dr. Mark Wiley - PhD, OMD, MSM: 3 hidden imbalances that cause arthritis (Chapter 8) The REAL reason your doctor can't help you (Chapter 9) 10 big arthritis mistakes that are keeping you in pain (Chapter 4) Which foods make you HURT... and which ones help (Chapter 10) The TRUTH on which supplements actually help vs. those that are a waste (Chapter 11) Help for BOTH osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis!Click Here to Get your Free copy of Arthritis Reversed while available (expires soon) 44

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Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 Chapter 3: Herpes Eraser – Get Rid of Your Herpes for GoodHopefully by now you have a thorough understanding of the herpes simplex virusand you have been introduced to all of the things your doctor didn’t tell you. Whileantiviral medications and other lifestyle changes can help to reduce outbreaks andheal sores, they do not offer a long-term solution. Although your doctor might tellyou otherwise, it IS possible to find long-term relief from your herpes. It may nothappen overnight and you might have to do a bit of work to make your dream areality, but it will be worth it in the end. In this chapter you will learn the secret ofthe HSV Eraser which will help you become herpes-free. So keep reading!Why Haven’t You Heard of a Herpes Cure?The reason you haven’t heard about a herpes cure is simple – doctors and drugcompanies don’t want you to know that it exists! With each passing year, newscientific discoveries are made and new treatments are discovered, but each time adisease is cured, drug companies lose money and they lose a little bit of power aswell. If the general public knew that many diseases could be cured with naturalremedies and simple lifestyle changes, the drug companies would go out ofbusiness!Even if someone with herpes were to consider using herbal remedies instead ofantiviral drugs, they would always have to worry about passing the disease to otherpeople asymptomatically. That is one of the scariest things about herpes – you canhave it without knowing it and you can pass it on even if you don’t have symptoms! 45

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016That is why it is so hard for some people to believe that the disease can truly becured. But if you are willing to do the work, you CAN find relief.In the following pages you will learn the secret of the HSV Eraser program. All ittakes is three weeks and a series of simple steps to uncloak your herpes virus andimprove your health, so your body can get rid of the virus. It is that simple! If youare ready to find relief from your herpes, keep reading!Step I: Uncloak the Herpes VirusThe herpes simplex virus is what some might call a stealth infection – it can evadethe immune system and go undetected by medical tests for surprisingly long periodsof time. If you think back to the beginning of this eBook, you’ll remember that asmany as 90% of people who have been infected by the herpes virus don’t even knowit! The first step in curing your herpes, then, is to bring it out of hiding. To do so, youwill need to follow a strict dietary protocol for 10 days.For the next week and a half, make sure to include the following foods in your diet:1. Milk and Dairy Products – These foods are a natural source of lysine, a keyamino acid which can strengthen your immune system to heal sores and toprevent further damage from the herpes virus. Drink 2 glasses of milk perday to get your daily dose of lysine – one after breakfast and one in theevening, before bed.2. High Vitamin C Foods – Foods that are rich in vitamin C will also help to boost your immune system, helping it to identify and fight the herpes virus. Aim for 2 servings of citrus fruits per day (like oranges) and 2 servings of vitamin C-rich vegetables (like broccoli, tomatoes, bell peppers, and green peas). Have one serving of each at lunch and one at dinner.3. Carbohydrates – Healthy carbohydrates will not only provide your body with dietary fiber, but they will also help to support your immune system. Have one meal of unrefined whole grain carbohydrates at least once a day – aim for 7 ounces of whole grain carbohydrates around lunch time, between 46

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 12:30 and 2:00 pm. 4. Protein – Meat and poultry products are full of healthy protein and natural sources of lysine as well. Choose lean cuts of meat, aiming for about 3 ounces per day. 5. Healthy Fats – Healthy fatty acids and omega oils will help to keep your nervous system in good health. Aim for 1,000 mg per day of omega 3 fatty acids.If you make an effort to follow these guidelines for ten days you will find that yourimmune system is functioning at full capacity.What to EatOne of the simplest ways to boost the immune system is through simple dietarychanges. Step I of the HSV Eraser program is to boost the immune system by eatingfoods that are rich in lysine and vitamin C. Balancing your diet with carbohydrates,lean proteins, and healthy fats is also important.Lysine is a type of amino acid that is found in a variety of natural food sources,including dairy products. There are numerous studies which show the benefits oflysine in boosting the immune system. Not only is lysine a very effective immunebooster, but it works very quickly as well. Studies related to herpes patients inparticular have shown that lysine supplementation is effective in reducing therecurrence of outbreaks and in shortening the length of those outbreaks for both oralherpes and genital herpes.Some natural food sources for lysine include the following: 47

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016  Legumes (white beans, 2 cups per day, cooked, yellow beans,  Red meat (beef, 5 ounces per 2 cups per day, cooked, lentils, day cooked) 1 and ½ cups per day, cooked)  Poultry (chicken, 5 ounces per  Soy products (soy, 1 cup per day, cooked) day, roasted, dried frozen tofu, 2 cups per day, soy chips, 2  Cheese (Swiss/Gruyere or Edam cups per day) cheese, 4 ounces per day)  Spirulina algae (3.5 ounces per  Salty fish (Atlantic cod, 3 day) ounces per day)  Fenugreek seed (2 cups per day,  Eggs (2 eggs per day, hard cooked) boiled, omelet or scrambled)  Nuts (pumpkin seeds, 2 cups per day)If you have high cholesterol or other cardiovascular problems, you may need to becareful about increasing your lysine consumption too much. Lysine can also increaseyour body’s ability to absorb calcium, so avoid very high doses.Vitamin C is another essential part of the first step in the HSV Eraser protocol.Foods that are rich in vitamin C can help to boost the immune system in general,while also reducing the recurrence of severe herpes outbreaks. Not only doesvitamin C boost the immune system in general, but it also helps to promotecardiovascular health and can even reduce your risk for heart attack and stroke. Interms of immunity, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that helps to keep the bones,blood vessels, and muscles healthy and strong. In the digestive system, vitamin Chelps to boost collagen production which helps to hold the tissues together.Some natural food sources for vitamin C include the following: Strawberries (one cup, sliced,  Bell peppers (1/2 cup per day per day) sliced, fresh, can be added to a salad) Blueberries (3 cups per day) Raspberries (2 cups per day)  Broccoli (3/4 cup per day, Cranberries (3 cups per day) chopped, cooked) Kiwi (1 fruit per day, about 2  Citrus fruits (1 medium orange, inches long) fresh, per day) 48

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016  Brussels sprouts (1 cup per day, cooked)  Papaya (1/2 medium fruit, fresh, per day)  Cauliflower (1 and ½ cups per day, cooked)  Garlic (6 ounces per day, fresh)  Spinach (4 cups per day,  Turnip greens (2 cups per day, cooked) cooked)  Pineapple (1 cup per day,  Tomatoes (3 cups per day, raw, sliced) chunks, fresh)  Cabbage (1 and ½ cups per day,  Winter squash (4 cups per day, cubed, cooked) red cabbage, cooked)  Mango (1 and ½ cups per day, sliced, fresh)Another supplement which can be beneficial in boosting your immune system ispropolis – a resin manufactured by bees. Propolis is loaded with flavonoids andantioxidants which boost the body’s natural ability to fight harmful bacteria andviruses. Numerous studies have shown that this resin can help to reduce outbreaksof both HSV-1 and HSV-2. In fact, these same studies have shown that propolisworks faster and better than prescription antiviral medications – this resin may alsohelp to reduce the pain associated with herpes sores.Though lysine and vitamin C are extremely beneficial for the immune system, it isalso important that you follow a balanced diet including carbohydrates, proteins,and fats.Below you will find an overview of how these nutrients support the immune system: Carbohydrates – These play a vital role in our immune system’s proper functioning. A deficiency of this nutrient may lead to impaired functioning of such system. It can be found in whole grains, oats, barley, flour, sugar, and corn. For people with herpes, it is best to avoid refined carbohydrates such as white sugar and white rice, as it may contain high ratios of arginine. Proteins – These can be found in meat, fish, and poultry products. These foods are high in lysine which promotes the production of enzyme known as arginase. Arginase breaks down arginine and counteracts its effects on the herpes virus. Although these foods can help fight herpes, it is essential to 49

Copyright © Herpes-Eraser.Org 2016 choose only lean cuts of poultry and meat to avoid other health problems.  Fats – These include essential fatty acids and Omega 3 oils that are extremely beneficial to our health. These are considered good fats which are critical in maintaining the nervous system in good shape. Avoid foods that contain hydrogenated oils, as they have trans-fats that are toxic and damaging to the body. Also, stay away from high-fat and processed foods.A strong immune system is the foundation to keep herpes outbreaks in check. Eatinga healthy, balanced diet including drinking plenty of water will help you fightherpes naturally and efficiently.Furthermore, getting adequate sleep, reducing stress, and engaging in regularexercise is important as well.  Stress – As you may already know, stress is a key factor in triggering herpes outbreaks, so it is something you want to avoid if you want to cure your herpes. It is impossible to remove stress from your life completely, but there are some simple things you can do to manage it. Try starting your day with 15 minutes of silent meditation and don’t forget to make time for yourself throughout the day. Things like yoga, Tai Chi, and mindfulness exercises have also been shown to reduce stress.  Exercise – Keeping your body fit is an important aspect of total body health and wellness. Just keep in mind that mild to moderate exercise is the best when it comes to herpes – if you exercise too vigorously it could induce a stress response in your body which could trigger an outbreak.What NOT To EatIn addition to increasing your consumption of lysine, Vitamin C, and other healthynutrients, there are certain foods you should avoid while implementing the HSVEraser protocol. The three main things you want to avoid are sugar, processed 50