Openvms 73 Vax Iso Download

  • Looking for OpensVMS VAX 7.1 and 7.2.ISO files to try with SIMH. You could make one yourself via the LD driver. Make a virtual disk and BACKUP/IMAGE an existing OpenVMS VAX system disk.
  • Apr 29, 2000 - 73. 2.5.2 Fine-Tuning the Order That Processes Are Written in Selective System Dumps. 2.6.2 System Dump to System Disk on VAX Systems.
  • Jun 3, 2010 - On the “Download drivers and software” page, select “Cross. Locate the appropriate ISO-image firmware file. OpenVMS VAX systems are not supported with OpenVMS Integrity server systems in the.
  • At that time I was also able to download all of these for VAX. PASCAL-VAX-V60-114.ZIP VAXVMS 073 OS There is mention of the Educational VMS licensing.
  • Welcome to my collection of old DEC (and some Compaq) computers. The collection started with VAXen, but has strayed both forward and backward in time to include some PDP-11 and Alpha machines.
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OpenVMS is a general purpose, multiuser operating system that runs in both production and development environments.

The OpenVMS operating system has well-integrated networking, distributed computing, client/server, multi-processing, windowing and authentication capabilities. It contains extensive features that promote ease-of-use, improve the productivity of programmers, facilitate system management, and effective operating system security.

The OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 kit is available on two, 6250 BPI, open reel magnetic tapes or on two TK50 CompacTape cartridges. (Earlier versions of OpenVMS VAX shipped on four magnetic tapes.) The first tape or cartridge contains the VMS073.A, VMS073.B, and VMS073.C save sets. OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX operating system licenses and part numbers. Or half-toning. O Display PostScript display routines can be downloaded to the. Zations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Information Interchange o ANSI X3.22-1973: Recorded Magnetic Tape (800 BPI,.

Operating System and System Integrated Products

The OpenVMS operating system in all of it versions and bundles. Starting with OpenVMS Version 8.4, the three tier Operating Environment model which consists of Foundation Operating Environment (FOE), Enterprise Operating Environment (EOE) and Mission Critical Operating Environment (MCOE) is replaced with a two tier Operating Environment model consisting of Base Operating Environment (BOE) and High Availability Operating Environment (HAOE). OpenVMS on VAX and Alpha was sold according to the class/size of the server.

VSI OpenVMS on Integrity V8.4-1H1
The first release of the OpenVMS computing environment by VSI. OpenVMS V8.4-1H1 provides all of the features contained in HP OpenVMS v8.4 and adds support for HP Integrity i4 servers based on the Intel© Itanium© Processor 9500 series.

VSI OpenVMS on Integrity V8.4-2
Building upon the success of VSI’s previous OpenVMS release, OpenVMS V8.4-2 provides support for:

  • 64 core support for BL890c i4 (with hyperthreads off)
  • UEFI 2.3
  • Network boot on Blades
  • Support for rx7640 and rx8640
  • Tunable BACKUP compression
  • Defect repair
  • Software component updates:
    • EnterpriseDirectory5.7
    • CSWS Secure Web Server, based on Apache 2.4.12
    • CSWS_PHP
    • WBEM
    • AvailabilityManagerfor64bWindows
    • Updated Time Zone definitions

VSI OpenVMS on Integrity V8.4-2L1
In this OpenVMS release, VSI supplements VSI SSL V1.4 with the new VSI SSL1 V1.0. All OpenVMS components in this release that are dependent on OpenSSL have been modified to make use of the new SSL1 offering.

VSI OpenVMS on Alpha V8.4-2L1
VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1 is the first release of the OpenVMS Alpha computing environment by VMS Software, Inc (VSI). It is functionally equivalent to VSI OpenVMS on Integrity V8.4-2L1. The purpose of this release is to provide users of the aging DEC Alpha hardware platform with a VSI-supported upgrade path to the latest versions of OpenVMS, in preparation for migrating to modern Intel x86-64 hardware.

VSI OpenVMS on Alpha V8.4-2L2
VSI OpenVMS for Alpha Performance Release is a modified release of VSI OpenVMS Alpha V8.4-2L1, that has been optimized for the DEC Alpha hardware platform running Alpha EV6 and later processors. As the name suggests, the Alpha Performance Release improves performance by taking advantage of new hardware-based instructions available on EV6 and later processors.

VSI OpenVMS Clusters
VSI OpenVMS Cluster Software is an OpenVMS System Integrated Product (SIP). It provides a highly integrated OpenVMS computing environment distributed over multiple Integrity server, AlphaServer or VAX systems, or a mix of AlphaServer and VAX or AlphaServer and Integrity server systems.

VSI OpenVMS Cluster Client
OpenVMS Cluster configurations can be configured with systems that operate and are licensed explicitly as client systems. OpenVMS Cluster Client systems contain full OpenVMS Cluster functionality with the following exceptions: Client systems cannot provide votes toward the operation of the OpenVMS Cluster system and Client systems cannot MSCP serve disks or TMSCP serve tapes.

VSI Volume Shadowing
VSI Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS is a System Integrated Product (SIP) that runs on the Integrity server, Alpha and VAX families of processors. Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS implements a RAID Level 1 storage strategy that provides high data availability for disk devices by preventing data loss resulting from media deterioration or from controller or device failure.

TCPIP Services for OpenVMS
TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS product is the OpenVMS implementation of the industry-standard TCP/IP suite of communications protocols. With TCP/IP Services, users, administrators, and programmers can perform tasks from anywhere in the network

VSI TCP/IP is VSI’s first implementation of the industry-standard TCP/IP suite of communication protocols. VSI TCP/IP is based on Process Software’s Multinet V5.5 product with enhancements, bugfixes and other advanced features. VSI TCP/IP is VSI’s stack of the future and will one-day replace TCPIP Services for OpenVMS.

VSI OpenVMS Galaxy
The VSI Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha lets you run multiple instances of OpenVMS in a single computer (soft partitions). You can dynamically reassign system resources, mapping compute power to applications on an as-needed basis without having to reboot the computer.

VSI RMS Journaling
VSI RMS Journaling for OpenVMS enables a system manager, user, or application to maintain the data integrity of RMS files in the event of a number of failure scenarios. RMS Journaling provides the following three types of journaling:

  • After-image journaling. Allows users to reapply modifications that have been made to a file. This type of journaling allows users to recover files that are inadvertently deleted, lost, or corrupted.
  • Before-image journaling. Allows users to reverse modifications that have been made to a file. This type of journaling allows users to return a file to a previously known state.
  • Recovery-unit journaling. Allows users to maintain transaction integrity. A transaction can be defined as a series of file updates on one or more files. If any failure occurs during the transaction, recovery-unit journaling rolls back the partially completed transaction to its starting point.

These journaling products protect RMS file data from becoming lost or inconsistent.


VSI BASIC is a structured programming language designed for novice and application programmers alike.

VSI C for OpenVMS is a standard-conforming implementation of the C programming language with extensions.

VSI C++ is a native programming language product that runs under the OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity operating systems and generates highly optimized object code.

VSI Cobol
The VSI COBOL programming language is an implementation of the COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language) for OpenVMS.

VSI Fortran for OpenVMS is a programming language that conforms to the American National Standard Fortran 90 (ANSI X3.198-1992), which is the same as the International Standards Organization standard (ISO/IEC 1539:1991 (E)) and Fortran 95 standard (ISO/IEC 1539:1998 (E)).

VSI Pascal
VSI Pascal is a structured programming language that conforms to the American National Standard ANSI/IEEE770X3.97-1989 (ANSI) and the International Standard ISO 7185-1989 (ISO).

Application Development Environments

VSI ACMS Development
The VSI ACMS transaction processing system is a TP monitor that runs on the OpenVMS operating system. It is intended for businesses that require highperformance, security, data integrity, and both centralized and distributed processing. Retail, banking, financial services, telecommunications, health, customer service, manufacturing, and insurance are some of the industries that can make use of the ACMS system.

VSI ACMS Remote is a remote manager for managing ACMS systems.

The VSI ACMS transaction processing system is a TP monitor that runs on the OpenVMS operating system. It is intended for businesses that require high performance, security, data integrity, and both centralized and distributed processing. Retail, banking, financial services, telecommunications, health, customer service, manufacturing, and insurance are some of the industries that can make use of the ACMS system. ACMS provides a runtime system for executing and managing the application at execution time.

VSI Datatrieve is a query, report, and data management tool for the OpenVMS Operating System. It provides a uniform access method for data stored by RMS, Oracle Rdb, and Oracle CODASYL DBMS files on OpenVMS and data residing in other databases accessible by the Oracle Rdb Transparent Gateway™ products.

VSI DCE (Distributed Computing Environment) Cell Directory Server
VSI DCE provides a set of the distributed computing functionality specified for TheOpen Group TM 's (OSF R Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) as well as toolsfor application developers. DCE Cell Directory Service (CDS): Provides location-independent naming for resources.

VSI DCE (Distributed Computing Environment) Application Developers Kit
VSI DCE provides a set of the distributed computing functionality specified for The Open Group TM 's (OSF R ) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) as well as tools for application developers.

Storage Products

VSI DECram is a disk device created in the physical memory area of a system. The operating system can read from and write to a DECram disk, using standard OpenVMS disk I/O operations, at access times much less than those for standard hardware disks. DECram is a system Integrated Product that is included in the BOE license on Integrity.

VSI Disk File Optimizer
VSI Disk File Optimizer for OpenVMS is a layered software product which reduces both file fragmentation and optimizes file placement on disk media. This results in better application performance, better backup performance, and more efficient disk utilization.

VSI Save Set Manager for OpenVMS (SSM)
VSI Save Set Manager for OpenVMS (SSMgr) is a layered software product that reduces user time spent on save set operations. SSMgr reduces operational time spent during OpenVMS BACKUP operations by providing an avenue for offline save set validation, copy, and save set merge functions.

DECdfs for OpenVMS client and server software allows users on a local OpenVMS or OpenVMS Cluster system to access files on a remote OpenVMS or OpenVMS Cluster system in a DECnet Phase IV or DECnet Phase V network. DECdfs enables the remote disk to function similarly to a local disk.

Backup Products

VSI Archive Backup System – Client
VSI’s primary OpenVMS archive and backup product. ABS automates backup operations, provides for system archiving, and makes it easy to find files stored on tapes and disks. ABS also provides client backup facilities for Windows 2000/XP, Tru64 UNIX, and remote Open-VMS clients.

VSI Archive Backup System – Server
VSI’s primary OpenVMS archive and backup product. ABS automates backup operations, provides for system archiving, and makes it easy to find files stored on tapes and disks. The ABS/MDMS server software should reside on a system which will be managing the policy and media databases for itself and any client nodes connected to it. The MDMS server provides access to the policy and media databases.

Software Development Products

VSI DECset for OpenVMS Alpha Systems is an integrated programming tool set that supports software developers’ coding, debugging, testing, and maintenance activities.

VSI Code Management System (CMS)
The VSI Code Management System (CMS) for OpenVMS Alpha/I64 Systems provides an efficient method for storing project files and tracking all changes to those files.

VSI Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE)/Source Code Analyzer (SCA)
The VSI Language–Sensitive Editor (LSE) is a Multilanguage programmer’s editor. Language–specific templates and online language help assist both new and experienced programmers in developing programs faster.

VSI Module Management System (MMS)
The VSI Module Management System (MMS) for OpenVMS Alpha/I64 Systems automates and simplifies the building of software applications, whether they are simple programs of only one or two files or complex programs consisting of many source files, message files, and documentation.

VSI Performance & Coverage Analyzer (PCA)
The VSI Performance and Coverage Analyzer (PCA) for OpenVMS Alpha/I64 Systems helps users pinpoint execution bottlenecks in application programs. PCA can also identify which parts of an application are not executed by a given set of test data.

VSI Digital Test Manager (DTM)
The VSI Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS Alpha/I64 Systems is a regression testing tool that automates the creation and maintenance of regression tests. It also automatically compares test run results with expected test results.

System Management Tools

VSI now owns and supports PERFDAT, the most comprehensive data collector and analysis tool available.

PERFDAT is an integrated performance monitoring, analysis, and capacity planning solution for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS Itanium. It is designed and developed for monitoring large complex OpenVMS environments and includes comprehensive data gathering, storage, and analysis functions. It also has the ability to monitor the performance of non-OpenVMS systems through standards-based extensions.

For more information on VMS Software, Inc.’s PERFDAT, please go to our documents page or e-mail

VSI Availability Manager
The VSI Availability Manager is a system management tool that allows one to monitor, from an OpenVMS or Windows node, one or more OpenVMS nodes on an extended local area network (LAN). The Availability Manager helps system managers and analysts target a specific node or process for detailed analysis. This tool collects system and process data from multiple OpenVMS nodes simultaneously, analyzes the data, and displays the output using a graphical user interface (GUI).

VSI Insight Manager Web Agents
The Management Agents for OpenVMS provides WBEM web agents for system, storage, and network components. Web agents use SNMP and TCP/IP to allow management servers running on various platforms, including OpenVMS, Windows NT, and Tru64 UNIX, to communicate with manageable components and peripheral devices. Web agents use common web-enabling components to provide registration, discovery, HTTP communications, and a home page for the managed devices. Web agents can send information directly to the management server to be relayed to the browser, or they can create an HTML file to communicate directly with a browser.

VSI Web Based Enterprise Management Services (WBEM)
The VSI WBEM Providers software is a collection of tools that enables you to monitor the health of HP servers running VSI OpenVMS. This software retrieves information about hardware devices such as CPU, memory, power supply, and cooling devices. It operates within the WBEM environment.

VSI T4 and Tools
VSI T4 (Total Timeline Tracking Tool) is a tool that systematically captures, consolidates, and creates a timeline view of important OpenVMS performance statistics. The statistics are collected by leveraging different collectors. The output of a T4 collection is a two-dimensional table formatted as a comma separated value (CSV) file. The CSV files and the binary (.DAT) files, generated by collectors such as MONITOR and FC_MON, are packaged into a ZIP file. The data in the CSV files is interpreted using analyzers.

Windows Integration

VSI OpenVMS Common Internet File System (CIFS) for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS Integrity is based on the Open Source SAMBA code base. CIFS provides users with seamless file and print interoperability between OpenVMS and Windows-based clients.

Note: **** Identifies Open Source Product

Text Display FORMS Products

VSI DECforms Development
VSI DECforms is a software product for the development and deployment of forms-based user interfaces for interactive applications running on OpenVMS systems. The FDE allows a form designer to create a form interactively.

VSI DECforms Run-Time
VSI DECforms is a software product for the development and deployment of forms based user interfaces for interactive applications running on OpenVMS systems.The runtime kit allows running of already DECforms applications on a target or runtime node.

VSI FMS - Development
VSI FMS is a character-cell based forms management system for interactive applications running on OpenVMS systems that use video forms as the user interface. FMS provides application programmers with a set of development tools to create and maintain forms-based user interfaces.

VSI FMS Run-Time
FMS is a character-cell based forms management system for interactive applications running on OpenVMS systems that use video forms as the user interface. FMS provides a runtime system for displaying and managing the application’s user interface at execution time.

VSI TDMS (Terminal Data Management System)
VSI TDMS (Terminal Data Management System) on Alpha and Integrity is a product designed for the implementation of interactive, forms intensive applications running on OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity systems. TDMS provides application programmers with a set of development tools to create and maintain forms-based user interfaces.

VSI TDMS RT (Terminal Data Management System Run Time)
VSI TDMS (Terminal Data Management System) on Alpha and Integrity is a product designed for the implementation of interactive, forms intensive applications running on OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity systems. TDMS provides a runtime system for displaying and managing the application’s user interface at execution time.

eBusiness Products

Perl ****
Perl is an open source interpreted high-level programming language, which makes Perl programs highly portable across systems. Perl has become the premier scripting language of the Web, as most CGI programs are written in Perl.

PHP ****
PHP is a server-side, cross-platform; HTML embedded scripting language that lets you create dynamic web pages. PHP-enabled web pages are treated the same as regular HTML pages. You can create and edit them the way you normally create regular HTML pages. PHP-enabled files are simple HTML files ending in .PHP (the default extension). The .PHP files you create and include in your web directory are parsed by CSWS_PHP in the Secure Web Server. You do not need to compile the files.

Tomcat ****
Tomcat is an extension to the VSI Secure Web Server, but it runs independently of SWS in a separate process. You can configure your system so that the Secure Web Server serves HTML pages, while Tomcat serves the JSP pages and runs the servlets.

XML ****
XML is the key data interchange standard for the Internet. Its widespread adoption is driven by its great versatility and relative simplicity as compared with earlier structured markup languages such as SGML.

Java ****
Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere! Java can be downloaded from the HPE web site at

Secure Web Browser (Mozilla) ****
The Secure Web Browser is a browser that runs on OpenVMS and is based on the SeaMonkey open-source project. SeaMonkey has inherited the successful all-in-one concept of the original Netscape Communicator and continues that product line based on the modern, cross-platform architecture provided by the Mozilla project.

Secure Web Server (Apache Server) ****
The SWS for OpenVMS is based on Apache, the world's most widely deployed web (HTTP) server - millions of Internet servers are powered by Apache. The SWS is a powerful, flexible, HTTP/1.1 compliant web server that includes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) through mod_ssl and OpenSSL. SSL provides privacy through encryption, server authentication, and message integrity.

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The Web Services Integration Toolkit provides a set of individual tools to significantly help you develop a JavaBean to expose legacy application logic. These tools are designed to be valuable both individually or in combination. All of the WSIT tools run on VSI OpenVMS.

VSI Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) Back End (BE)
VSI Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) is fault tolerant transactional messaging middleware used to implement large, distributed applications using client/server technology. The back end provides transparent, content-based transaction routing for client/server applications.

VSI Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) Front End (FE) Client
VSI Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) is fault tolerant transactional messaging middleware used to implement large, distributed applications using client/server technology. The front end provides the ability for the client to start transaction branches, where the global transaction may be controlled by RTR.

gSOAP ****
gSOAP is a cross-platform open source C and C++ software development toolkit. It generates C/C++ RPC code, XML data bindings, and efficient schema-specific parsers for SOAP Web services and other applications that benefit from an XML interface.

Note: **** Identifies Open Source Product

Open Source Tools

GNV (GNU's Not VMS) is an open source, GNU-based UNIX environment for OpenVMS that provides UNIX application developers, system managers, and users a UNIX-style environment on OpenVMS. This facilitates development and porting of UNIX software to OpenVMS.

GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. GnuPG includes an advanced key management facility.

Kerberos for OpenVMS, based on MIT Kerberos V5, is a network authentication protocol designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography.


VSI Omni API is a network communications product that provides an Application Programming Interface (API) for the connection and management of manufacturing shop floor devices and control systems.

VSI OSAP is a network communication product. It provides a solution to connect Compaq applications with shop floor devices based on Siemens SINEC H1 communication protocol. SINEC H1 services are also identified as PG communication services in Siemens literature.

VSI DECnet Plus Extended Function
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS is available in two forms: End System and Extended Function. Extended Function provides all the features of End System plus the OSI application gateways (FTAM--DAP Gateway, VT-Telnet, LAT/VT and VT/LAT), the DECdns server (on VAX platforms), and host-based routing, and cluster alias. X.25 for OpenVMS

VSI X.25 for OpenVMS
VSI X.25 for OpenVMS enables appropriately configured systems to connect to an X.25 Packet Switched Data Network (PSDN) via an X.25 Relay node on the same Local Area Network (LAN), via a DNA Phase IV X.25 connector node, or directly using a synchronous controller card for Alpha.

Directory Services

VSI Enterprise Directory Server LDAP
VSI Enterprise Directory Server is a centralized directory based on the LDAP protocol. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is combined with the Authentication and Credentials Management Extension (ACME) authentication mechanism to provide a solution to customers to manage all accounts in a centralized directory.


VSI Distributed Queuing Service (DQS)
The VSI Distributed Queuing Service (DQS) uses the DECnet networking system to extend the standard OpenVMS queue system to enable users to: Print jobs on printers connected to systems other than their own; Show the status of jobs on those systems; Cancel their jobs on those systems and Change the specifications of their jobs on those systems.


VSI GKS Development
VSI GKS (Graphical Kernel System) (formerly HP GKS) for OpenVMS for Integrity Servers and OpenVMS Alpha is a two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics support system that provides a set of programming functions for creating interactive and non-interactive graphics applications. As a development tool, VSI GKS is a solid base for portable, device-independent applications that define and display graphical images, using a variety of graphics devices.

VSI GKS Runtime
VSI GKS (Graphical Kernel System) (formerly HP GKS) for OpenVMS for Integrity Servers and OpenVMS Alpha is a two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics support system that provides a set of programming functions for creating interactive and non-interactive graphics applications. As a development tool, VSI GKS is a solid base for portable, device-independent applications that define and display graphical images, using a variety of graphics devices. The shareable images are activated at run-time as needed.

Unix Porting

The VSI C RTL is a library that contains XPG4-compliant internationalization support, providing functions to help develop software that can run in different languages and cultures. The complete VSI C Run-Time Library (C RTL) needed for use with the VSI C and C++ compilers is distributed with the OpenVMS Alpha and I64 operating systems in both shared image and object module library form.

IEEE POSIX standards are a set of implementation independent system interface standards. IEEE POSIX standards have the “look and feel' of UNIX interfaces. OpenVMS VAX and AXP systems support POSIX and X/Open standards and draft standards, thus allowing portable applications to benefit from the proven features of OpenVMS.

Integrity Porting

VSI VEST is a utility that translates executable and shareable OpenVMS VAX images into functionally equivalent images that run on OpenVMS AlphaServer systems.

FREEware Software Library

FREEware Software Library
OpenVMS Freeware is a collection or distribution containing various public domain, open source and freeware packages. The OpenVMS Freeware collection provides OpenVMS customers with easy access to this software and to VSI-developed software and tools. Many of these tools are popular packages already widely known and in use, while others are internally developed tools our engineers are making available to our OpenVMS customers.

Document revision date: 30 March 2001

OpenVMS System Manager's Manual


Chapter 8
Managing Peripheral Devices

System managers are often responsible for setting up and managing peripheral devices such as terminals and printers. This chapter describes these tasks. For information about managing storage media such as disks and tapes, see Chapter 9.

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Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:
Task Section
Getting information about devices on the system Section 8.2
Setting security protection characteristics on devices Section 8.3
Connecting devices and loading device drivers Section 8.4
Automatically configuring devices for OpenVMS Alpha systems Section 8.5
Managing terminals Section 8.6
Managing modems Section 8.7
Managing printers Section 8.8
Managing tape drives Section 8.9
+Managing card readers Section 8.10
+VAX specific
This chapter explains the following concepts:
Concept Section
Device names Section 8.1
Device configuration Section 8.5.1
Spooled printers Section 8.8.2

8.1 Understanding Device Names

On some systems, device names follow the format ddcu, where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number.

Local Digital Storage Architecture (DSA) devices use a controller letter of 'A' regardless of the physical controller the device resides on. Preceding the letter 'A':

  • All local DSA disk devices are named DUAn, where n is a unique disk unit number.
  • All local DSA tape devices are named MUAn, where n is a unique tape unit number.

Use of a single controller letter requires that the unit number for each local DSA device be unique. Duplicate unit numbers are possible if the local disks reside on different controllers.

If the system is part of an OpenVMS Cluster environment, device names are formatted in one of the following ways:

  • If the device is attached to a single computer or hierarchical storage controller (HSC) subsystem, the device name includes the node name in the format node$ddcu, where node refers to the node name of the system that the device resides on.
  • If the device is to be accessed (or dual-ported) by two computers or HSC subsystems, you must identify the device with a unique, path-independent name that includes an allocation class.
    The allocation class is a numeric value from 1 to 255, which is used to create a device name in the form $allocation-class$device-name. For example, the allocation class device name $11$DUA8 identifies a disk that is accessed by two computers or HSC subsystems, both having an allocation class of 11.
  • If the device is connected to a SCSI bus and the system parameter DEVICE_NAMING is set to 1, you can assign the device a port allocation class, a number from 0 to 32767 inclusive.
  • If the device is assigned port allocation class 0, its name will be in the form node $ddcuuu. The device cannot be located on a SCSI bus that is also attached to another CPU.
  • If the device is assigned a nonzero port allocation class, its name will be in the form $allocation-class$ddAuuu. The device can be located on a SCSI bus attached to another CPU, provided the other CPU has assigned the same port allocation class to the SCSI bus.

For more information about the device name format in VAXcluster or OpenVMS Cluster environments, refer to OpenVMS Cluster Systems.

For information about the naming conventions for Fibre Channel disk and tape devices, see Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations.

8.2 Getting Information About Devices on the System

Use the DCL command SHOW DEVICES to retrieve information about devices on your system.

When you invoke the SHOW DEVICES command and do not specify a device or use a qualifier, the system displays information about all recognized devices.

If a device does not appear in the display, it is not recognized by the system. The device may not be connected, or the driver may not be loaded. For certain devices, you must manually connect them and load their device drivers. For more information, see Section 8.4.

If you specify a device name with the SHOW DEVICE command, the system displays information about the device you specified. If you use certain qualifiers with SHOW DEVICES, information is displayed about those devices that currently have volumes mounted or that have been allocated to processes. Refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for a list of qualifiers that can be used with the SHOW DEVICES command.

The following examples use the SHOW DEVICES command. Device protection is RWPL (read, write, physical, logical).

The SHOW DEVICES/FULL examples include both volume protection and device protection. In addition, if a volume has a protected subsystem enabled, it also appears in the display.


  1. The following command shows all devices on the system:

  2. The following command requests a full listing of the status of the DAD42: RRD40 device. The device is located on node IRIS in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.

  3. The following command requests a full informational display about each DU device. This display shows only the first two devices: the mounted DUA8: device and the unmounted DUA9: device.

8.2.1 Determining If Volumes Need Rebuilding

If a volume was improperly dismounted, it may require rebuilding. Volumes are improperly dismounted when, for example, the system crashes. Use the /REBUILD_STATUS qualifier with the SHOW DEVICES command to determine if a volume needs rebuilding. Do not use the /REBUILD_STATUS qualifier with any other SHOW DEVICES qualifiers, except the /OUTPUT qualifier.

For each volume, SHOW DEVICES/REBUILD_STATUS returns one of the following values:
Value Meaning
Yes Rebuild needed
No Rebuild not needed
Not applicable The volume cannot be rebuilt; the volume is not a disk or the volume is write-locked
Information unavailable Rebuild information is not available; the volume is not mounted or mount verification is taking place

Do either of the following steps to rebuild a volume:

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  • Dismount the volume and then mount the volume again using MOUNT/REBUILD

Device EMUL$DKB500, in the following example, needs rebuilding.

8.2.2 Getting Information About ISO 9660-Formatted Devices

You can use the SHOW DEVICE command to retrieve information about ISO 9660-formatted devices. The following example illustrates the use of the SHOW DEVICES/FULL command to obtain information about an ISO 9660-formatted CD-ROM. Note that the ACP process name is given and that the volume status is listed as ISO 9660. The display tells the user that the mounted members of the volume set are relative volume numbers (RVN) 1, 64, and 65535.

8.3 Setting Security Protection Characteristics on Devices

You can set security protection characteristics on devices using the following DCL commands:


For more information about these commands, refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

By default, allocating a tape or disk device requires VOLPRO privilege. However, you can grant access to unprivileged users in two ways:

  • Set device protection to grant control access to group or world, as appropriate.
  • Add an ACL to the device and grant a general identifier to all users who should have access.

Section 9.3.4 has more information about the VOLPRO privilege.

8.3.1 Granting Access to a Specific Device

To grant access to a specific device, use the SET SECURITY command as shown in either of the following examples:

This example grants world read, write, and control access for the device DKA300.

This example grants control access for the device DKA300 to users with the CHEKOV identifier.

8.3.2 Granting Access to All Devices

Use the following method to grant a specified class of users access to all devices:

  1. Set the security template for a particular device type to allow access to a desired class of users. Use a command such as the following one, which sets the template for disk devices:

    This access will apply to all specified devices initialized in the future.

  2. Run the following command procedure:

    This command procedure applies the protection specified in the security template to all current devices.

8.4 Connecting Devices and Loading Device Drivers

The system uses a software component called a device driver to control I/O operations for a particular device type. For a device to function on a system, the device must be connected, and the device driver must be loaded into memory.

The AUTOCONFIGURE command connects all devices physically attached to the system and loads their device drivers. Using AUTOCONFIGURE saves effort and reduces the possibility of error.

The site-independent startup command procedure, STARTUP.COM, automatically configures devices, because it includes the AUTOCONFIGURE command.

On VAX systems, the following commands in STARTUP.COM perform autoconfiguration:

On Alpha systems, the following commands in STARTUP.COM perform autoconfiguration:

During autoconfiguration, the CONFIGURE phase of STARTUP.COM creates a detached process to perform the following tasks:

  • Detect any devices connected to HSx devices (storage controllers)
  • Load the drivers for HSx devices
  • Make the HSx devices known to the system
  • Make disk and tape devices served by OpenVMS hosts known to the system
For this discussion, an HSx device can be an HSC, HSG, or HSJ device.

In general, when you add a SCSI disk or tape, you should shut down the system and power down the machine before you connect the device. When you power the system up, OpenVMS automatically configures the device.

Some controllers, such as the HSZ series, allow you to quiesce the SCSI bus and then add or remove a device. When you add a device, you must rerun AUTOCONFIGURE. Note however, that for served storage devices, your system must be running the CONFIGURE process.

In certain cases, you might want to suppress autoconfiguration of devices in system startup. See the following sections for more details.
Topic For More Information
+ Manually connecting devices and loading drivers Section 8.4.1
++ Manually connecting devices and loading drivers Section 8.4.2
Suppressing autoconfiguration Section 8.4.3
+VAX specific
++Alpha specific

8.4.1 Manually Connecting Devices and Loading Device Drivers (VAX Only)

On VAX systems, whenever possible, use the SYSGEN command AUTOCONFIGURE to connect standard devices and load device drivers. However, in some cases, such as connecting non-Compaq devices, you cannot use the AUTOCONFIGURE command. In addition, AUTOCONFIGURE does not connect the following devices or load their device drivers:

  • Console storage device
  • Network communications logical device
  • Virtual terminals

In addition to these devices, other devices and drivers might be present that AUTOCONFIGURE does not connect and load. On VAX systems, use the System Generation utility (SYSGEN) to manually connect devices and load device drivers.

For more information, refer to the SYSGEN section of the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual and the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual. (These manuals have been archived but are available on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM.)

Use extreme care when issuing SYSGEN CONNECT and LOAD commands because the system does little error checking. An incorrect vector address or misspelled device name, for example, will damage the I/O database and could cause the system to fail.

To manually connect special devices each time the system starts up, add these SYSGEN commands to the site-specific startup command procedure SYCONFIG.COM. For more information, see Section

Console Storage Device

To connect the console storage device on VAX systems, use the following CONNECT command:

This command may be different on some platforms. See the VAX installation and upgrade manual for information about the console commands available for your specific platform.

Network Communication Device

To connect the network communications logical device on VAX systems, run the appropriate startup files for the particular network protocol. For example, three common net stack startups are:

Virtual Terminals

For information about connecting virtual terminals and loading their driver, see Section 8.6.2.

For information about configuring virtual terminals in conjunction with TCP/IP Services Telnet, see Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management.

Event-Handling Device Driver

A Compaq-supplied driver named SYS$SYSTEM:CONINTERR.EXE permits real-time processes to connect to interrupt vectors for quick response to and special handling of real-time events. The driver is not associated with any specific device type. Refer to the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual for more information. (This manual has been archived but is available on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM.)


The commands in the following example autoconfigure the devices attached to a VAX system, and connect the console block storage device and the network software device:

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